Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is with those who uphold my life. Psalm 54:4

“Whats your hurry boy?”, I recall hearing those words from my grandfather when he could tell I was focused on something and hurrying to get it done. That phrase was usually followed by “slow down and don’t be in a rush”. When you get in a hurry, you often miss certain steps that are necessary if you truly want to accomplish a certain task or overcome a hurdle.

How true in life when we get so center focused on something that we often times forget to make God part of our plans to complete a project, tackle some challenge at work or even pray before eating. Today’s scripture is a reminder to keep God front and center of your life and never walk ahead of Him. He knows the way, He has the safest route planned and will help you every step of your journey through life. He is our sustainer and by putting Him first you’ll accomplish more that you could ever do on your own.

God bless!

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