Saturday, June 9, 2018

So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly saying “Truly this was the Son of God!” Matthew 27:54

Yesterday I wrote about how God uses us in certain places and situations to allow His light to shine through our life to those who live in darkness. It takes a lot of courage and faith to trust in the Lord, to go where He says go, do what He commands and live a life free of the world. The further we live from the world’s ways, the more we will stand out and be noticed. That’s the light of Christ that shines brighter when we surrender our selfish will for His perfect way.

When you stand apart from the crowd, you become a living example of Christ’s character. As a result, things begin to change around you, people are curious about your strong faith and want to get on board with your Christian walk. The world needs stability, love, joy and peace. Only through Christ can those traits be experienced, even in the most turbulent times of life.

Today’s verse shows the results of Christ obedience to death on the cross. Those there that day became believers in Jesus Christ and what His purpose was here on planet earth. What’s your purpose? To live a Godly life and remain obedient to the very end. Does your life impact those around you? My prayer is you will seek out Christ and follow His ways. The world needs to see Christ. Let them see Christ in you and change the world around you! God bless!  

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