Thursday, June 7, 2018

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His who dwells in you. Romans 8:11

Ever feel spiritually dead inside? Maybe circumstances and things around you haven’t gone well and the joy in Christ has diminished to almost nothing. We all go through times when we feel out of touch with God, feeling like we have no purpose and our existence is so mundane we wonder why God has allowed us to live in this state. Has this been you?

Friend, I’m here to tell you, as a Christian, God lives inside you through His Holy Spirit. The power of God that raised Jesus Christ from death to life, is the same power that resides in you. Maybe its time for a spiritual revival, a renewing or awakening of your spirit. Start today on your knees praying to God, asking for Him to awaken that spirit that has gone dormant. That out of touch feeling with God is the result of you letting go of His hand somewhere along the line, and its time to reconnect. Don’t let another day pass without reconnecting with God. He didn’t raise Jesus back to life to set His Spirit into a dead soul.

God has a plan and purpose for your existence. The devil tries his best to make each Child of God feeling useless and unworthy of anything great God has planned. It might take a spark to get your fire going again, light it up with the help of God. Then commit yourself to God every day and He will warm that cooled spirit back to life. If He can raise Christ to life, think about what He can do in your life today! God bless!

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