Tuesday, June 5, 2018

For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:20

Years ago the company, Leatherman, came out with a multi-purpose tool that did it all. Screwdriver, hammer, knife, plyers, can opener..it did it all. When you purchase this tool, you have the confidence in knowing all your tool needs are met with this one device.

The same is true for the Christian. The day you accept Christ, is the day you turn in your body of sin for a body cleansed of all unrighteousness, purchased with Christ’s blood. The cool thing about being a Christian, is you have the confidence in knowing God equips you for any challenge you face in life. Whether its financial difficulty, relationship issues or health problems, God gives you the strength, courage and power to work through your difficulty. And what’s even better, He has your best interest at heart; so when trouble comes, He has a plan for the way forward and wants to bless you when you remain obedient to Him.

As a child of God, you were purchased at a high cost. So, live life to glorify Him every day. He deserves your faithfulness and obedience as He provides what’s necessary for you to survive in life. He’s got you covered in His blood of redemption, use what God gave you to bring glory to Him and help others see the benefits of being a child of the King! God bless!

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