Friday, June 15, 2018

You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. James 5:8

There is a sign that hangs on my office wall that reads…”It is what it is”.  Things can get pretty hectic at work, all the deadlines, meetings, challenges and sometimes victories. All in all, you just have to go with the flow every day and be prepared to wait at times, move out quickly at times and often take a few steps back to re-evaluate and take a new direction. Things will never be how we want them, but if we can accept where we are and deal with it, work (and life) will be a little easier to accept.

As a Christian, you might have a lot of wishes and needs. Some of those needs might be in a state of chaos or complete absence. You wonder where is God at this moment and why He hasn’t fixed your situation or fulfilled a prayer request that’s been elevated to Him daily for a LONG LONG time. I can tell you God works every single day. Let me say that again, God works every single day. I was reminded that yesterday as I thought over my life and I can see how He did not allow certain things and relationships to happen, so I can be in a better place today. At the time that was my complete focus…to posses certain things or relish a special relationship. But, things just didn’t work out.

Focus! Where is yours today? Is it on your wants and desires? If it is, you might be looking in the wrong direction. Unless you have your own special bag of blessings, you probably can’t work miracles like God. When we keep our focus on HIM and trust in what He provides us, we will be much more blessed and satisfied in life. Friend, “it is what it is”. Trust in the Lord every day to receive what He gives you and the blessings He bestows on your life. You will thank Him down the road once you see why His plan was always best for your life! Have an awesome day in the Lord!

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