Friday, June 22, 2018

Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs, rather than a fool in his folly. Proverbs 17:12

Bad company results in bad things. Makes sense. Yet, we often find ourselves in the company of people who are toxic to our character, our livelihood or our religion. These people are gossips, negative, rude, find it easy to create drama. The list is endless. The scary part about this is they usually have some characteristic that draws us in and we find it easy to adopt their beliefs, attitudes and actions.

Thank goodness for the Holy Spirit who provides eyes to see and wisdom to reason from the good and evil people in our life. Every now and then it’s a good idea to check the company you surround yourself with to see if they are a positive influence and not leading you down a path of destruction. If they are, its time to cut ties with them…and do it quickly, without regret.

The truth of today’s verse is clear, hang with a fool and you will become foolish. Better to meet an angry bear than the fool who cares nothing about your character, yet wants you to follow him/her in their crooked ways. Don’t fall for the trap of fools, trust the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pick and chose who you spend time with each day. God needs servants who are not influenced by the wicked and fallen ways of the world. Find a good friend today! God bless!

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