Monday, April 23, 2018

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

Growing up on a farm made for so many wonderful memories. One thing I always looked forward to was the food and drinks delivered in the field around noon. Working all day in the field, then seeing mom pull up with a car load full of cold beverages and delicious food made the hard work more tolerable.

As Christians, we have been tasked with serving God. God has a plan for your life and wants you to participate in His plan to reach the lost, help the needy and be an example of Christ to those around you. At first, you think there is no way I can possibly live up to God’s standards, serve Him with my busy schedule and help others when I can barely help myself. Sound familiar? I can assure you, God will bring you nourishment through blessings as you serve Him in the field. All He is looking for is obedient children of God, willing to put Him first in their life, serve Him and let Him take care of the needs to get the job done.

Maybe you are out there trying to tackle life, but have little or no time for Godly work. Feeling drained? Let’s work together this week to do less of me and more of Him! When you allow Him to be your priority, He delivers those sweet blessings right where you are, at just the right moment. Trust me, I know first hand how He provides when nourishment is needed. Work for the Lord and He will work in all areas of your life! You can count on Him! God bless!

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