Thursday, April 19, 2018

The way of the wicked is like darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble. Proverbs 4:19

The term “left in the dark”, refers to someone being unaware of a certain situation, or ignorant of certain factors. As I get older, and a little wiser, I see a lot of people left in the dark. Their behavior is sporadic and unplanned. They bounce from one emotion to another without any purpose or passion. People trying to find their way through life by “winging it” often fail.

As Christians its our job to show the light of Christ to those left in the dark. Of course, we can do that by words, but our actions speak just as loudly. Maintaining a Christlike attitude at work, home and out in public is the key to ensuring people see Christ in you. Yea, there will be times when you fail to live up to the standard God has called for you. It should be your goal to resemble Him in everything you do and ask forgiveness when you step out of line. Those left in the dark will never know what Christ has done for them if they can’t see what He’s done in your life.

Are you shining your light into the darkness? Lets work on it together to bring light into the darkest places of our little worlds. There are plenty left in the dark, wont you be the light they need to see the truth and way forward? God bless!

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