Sunday, April 22, 2018

So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily. Acts 16:5

There is strength in numbers. When a task needs to be accomplished, no doubt, the more people you have there to help, the easier it is to accomplish it. The church is no different. Our churches need people in them to support the church, its missions, and support for one another. God can do anything with a few people, but what He can do with many people is amazing, IF people make the decision to show up!

Maybe you are sitting there this morning, as a Christian, questioning if you want to attend church. As a child of God, you should have the desire to attend a church and get plugged into God’s word, be active in serving and pray for those in your circle of worship. They need you, just as much as you need God and them. It’s a team effort and if you are sitting on the bench at home you are doing no one any good be staying away from God’s house.

I encourage you to find a church and start attending. You might not feel comfortable at first getting involved, but trust me, God will make a way for you to fit in and do His work. There is strength in numbers, and your number is special to God. When you make time for Him, He makes time for you! Find God’s blessings in the house of the Lord today! God bless!

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