Sunday, April 15, 2018

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

You know that person. They are in your life, either at work, a family member or neighbor, they don’t like you and they take every opportunity to bring grief into your life. Sometimes I sit back and ask why they have to be so difficult and wonder their heart’s condition. 99.99% of the time I can guarantee you they are miserable inside themselves. They don’t know how to show love, be kind to others and express gratitude. They just can’t do it because their heart is hard and sickened.

So, what can you do? As scripture says, overcome evil with good. No matter what misery they dish out, keep on doing the right thing, be good, pray for them and do not find opportunities to fight back. All that does is stir the pot and releases more of their toxic poison. Kindness has no rebuttal. They might try to speak against your kindness, but it’s the one thing that can reflect back their negativity.

With God, all things are possible. The kindness you show your enemy will hopefully one day soften their heart and help them see their sickened condition. Eventually they might come to you and ask for prayer. “Kill them with kindness”. It works and God will bless you for having a Christlike attitude. Christ did the same for us on the cross….”Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Find peace through your kindness and never give up! God bless!

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