Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth. Colossians 3:2

When I was a kid and visited the dentist, he had me chew on this tablet which coated my teeth with a red like substance to help him identify any cavities I might have. The red substance would settle in any hole in my tooth, so he knew exactly what needed to be fixed.

As children of God, we have to always be on guard for what is a blessing of God and a curse from Satan. I’ve had people and things come across my path that I thought were from God, but after a while, God’s Holy Spirit revealed the truth and I had to step back and far away from something He never intended to be in my life. Without seeing and addressing the bad things and wrong people, they will eat away at your life, especially your spiritual life, until you can’t tell wrong from right. God ways are NEVER confusing and never counter to what He says is wrong. If its wrong, its wrong and you better heed the Spirit’s calling when He says step back.

So how can we tell what’s from God and what is from Satan? By praying, asking God for His wisdom and allow His Holy Spirit to speak to you. The key is to stay in tune with Him. Set your mind on Him, and His wisdom will help you discern what’s good and what’s bad. Set your mind on things above, not on earth and you will be blessed and life will be with less heartache and drama. God bless!

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