Tuesday, April 10, 2018

He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Isaiah 40:29

The last few mornings I woke up to find my cell phone battery almost dead. I plug it up, but something must be going on with the power cord and not making a good connection or its failing. Thankfully I have a ton of other cords and will need to swap it out.

Lets face it, life can be draining on us physically, mentally, even spiritually. The challenges of work, family life and maintaining a sense of balance can deplete energy from even the strongest people. As an energy recharge, people often rely on sodas, energy drinks, certain drugs and physical activity to restore the body’s energy. The down side to these things is they only take care of you for the moment, hours later your body goes back to its tired state. How do some people stay energized all day?

I can tell you that my strength comes from the Lord. When I am in tune with Him, He somehow keeps me powered up, when my body wants to power down. Some days I don’t get much sleep, yet God knows what I need to accomplish throughout the day and He supplies the energy that I need. When trouble and heartache come my way, He also provides strength to help me sustain through even the worst trails I’ve ever encountered. God supplies all the power you need to get you through the day and circumstances that you face.

Maybe you only have one bar of strength on your energy indicator. God is the best source for power restoration when you are tired, emotionally unstable or torn and tattered from the trials of life. Plug into God for power and strength to keep you moving forward. He is one simple prayer away from giving you the juice you need to sustain! Call out to Him today! God bless!

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