Thursday, April 5, 2018

Jesus wept. John 11:35

Last night I watched a re-run of The Masters Par 3 golf tournament. During the program, all time golf winner, Jack Nicklaus’s grandson teed off and got a hole in one! As the cameras focused on Jack, you could see the tears of joy in his eyes as he witnessed this first-time event for his grandson. It was something very familiar to Jack, but a rewarding event to see that young man following in his footsteps.

I truly believe Jesus generates tears for us, His children, when we have successes in life. He is so proud of us when we make the right decisions in life and remain obedient to His way. As a result, He blesses us with things unexpected, answered prayers and advancements in life. Nothing we do goes unnoticed by Him, NOTHING! Knowing this should be an encouragement for us to walk on the righteous pathway and not veer of His course set before us.

Jesus also weeps when we are hurting, failed Him and turned away from His goodness. Unfortunately the human, fleshly side of us often gets snagged by the temptations Satan puts in our path. Without reason or logical explanation, we step off the path of righteousness and pursue personal pleasures that are dangerous for our well being and spiritual life. Jesus mourns for us when we turn our back on Him. Fortunately, He forgives us when we acknowledge our sin and turn back to Him. Just like the story of the Prodigal Son, Jesus welcomes us with open arms and tears flood His eyes when we embrace His ways once again.

What’s happening in your life that causes Jesus to weep? Is it tears of joy or disappointment? I hope its tears of joy. But, if His tears are on behalf of your pain, suffering or path going opposite of His, yield whatever is causing those tears and find comfort in His loving arms. No matter what happens in your life, good or bad, He is always with you child! Embrace Jesus Christ today and shed a tear with Him as joy floods your soul and His sweet spirit. God bless!

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