Monday, April 2, 2018

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. 1 Timothy 4:1

While out riding my motorcycle yesterday I stopped at this Shell gas station. Shell gas is my favored choice because I know its quality fuel and gives me better gas mileage. As I proceeded to pay at the pump with my Shell card, it said “see attendant”. Went inside and quickly found out the station no longer offered Shell gas. Far from any other station, I went ahead and purchased this off-brand gas. It did the job, but I could tell my bike’s performance was not as good as when running on the better fuel.

Good advice is similar to quality gas. It gives you the best octane for better performance, it stands apart from all the other fuels on the market and most of all, it sustains you for the long haul. Good advice can be hard to come by. Talking to some people, you think…yea they know what they are talking about, sounds reasonable, logical and seems to work for them. I ask the question, how does their advice line up with God’s word found in the bible?

In my journeys I have talked to hundreds of people who claim they know God, yet their thoughts and advice can be far from the truth. Once you accept Christ, doesn’t mean you are spiritually wise and understand God’s thoughts and ways. Even the most devout Christian doesn’t understand God completely. Isaiah 55:8

The best advice I can give you, as you live out your life, read the bible, study it, reference it when making decisions. The word of God stands apart from the rest of society. I can assure you it’s got more octane than any self help book on the market today. It has been around for over 2000 plus years and has NEVER changed. Yea, people’s personal interpretation of God’s word has changed, leading people to live counter to God’s word….re-read today’s verse. The bible will give you all the answers you need as you navigate through every twist and turn of life. Start reading it, one chapter a day and find your life more full of wisdom so you can make sound decisions. Trust the book! God bless!

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