Friday, April 6, 2018

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

Back in high school I went with a group of students to visit 5 countries in Europe. The entire time we had a tour guide and trusted him with our daily schedule, provide information about what we saw and followed him everywhere we went. During one site visit, my sweet and loving sister 😊 wasn’t paying attention and took a wrong turn, totally separating herself from the rest of the group. As we boarded the bus, our teacher asked “where is Trish”. LOL. After some searching, he found her and we were able to move onto our next site visit.

As children of God, we have a tour guide, of sorts. God, He knows all things, can see out into the future and has a specific plan for us. So often we want to rush ahead of His plans and pursue things like relationships, employment opportunities, start a family, buy a house…its an endless list of wants and desires. Sometimes we see doors of opportunities starting to shut and we rush like a mad man in hopes of stopping it. When we get to the door, we pull hard on the handle, but it closes, never to open again. I don’t know about you, but after a few doors close, I can get a little frustrated with life. Can you relate?

God has been purposefully closing doors in my life for a reason, to focus on HIM. When my eyes are everywhere, but towards God, I tend to run after things outside His will and until He slaps some sense into me, I’ll run off the edge of that steep cliff and fall, crashing hard. Get the idea? Can you relate?

I think its time we all have to say, “lets stop this madness, stop the disappointments, these heart aches and lets completely turn away from the world and focus on God.” When we do, we are able to LISTEN to HIS soft voice of reason and understanding. We gain wisdom and much direction when we can hear His voice clearly. We need to put our trust in His timeline. Yea, we see something cool up ahead, but its not meant for us to get there quite yet. Who knows, He might not even head in that direction. So, pay attention to Him and follow closely. He has something special instore for you. Lean not on your own understanding, in ALL your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. God bless!   

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