Friday, April 13, 2018

Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. 1 Peter 3:8

Not to be negative, but I think society as a whole has lost the attribute of putting others before self. Every now and then you will see someone give up their place in line or hold the door open to allow others to pass through….these actions leave a lasting impression on the recipients of the good gesture and those who witnessed it.

So, how do we cultivate a heart of compassion for our neighbors, friends and family? Honestly, its most likely difficult doing it with our own strength. The trials and stresses of life can focus our attention on self, and miss golden opportunities to help those around us. So, developing a heart after Christ is the one way we can change our focus. Reading the bible, praying and asking God to transform your mind and heart, for a heart and mind like His. Total surrender of self so you can be of one mind, the mind of Christ.

When your life resembles Christ, you’ll find there is nothing more important than serving others, loving those around you and having compassion on those who need it. It’s a Christ thing and until you grasp His heart and thought process, you’ll continue to serve self. Transform your life today so you can be in alignment with Jesus Christ, our Savior! God bless!  

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