Saturday, April 7, 2018

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

As I reflect back over the years of my life, from my teenage years til today, I see many changes. I’m not the person I was back in my teens and 20s, 30s even 40s. I’m not the same person I was just a year ago. Time has a way of changing us, either good or bad. I like to think my life has improved over time. Yea, I’ve made mistakes in the past, but those mistakes are what builds a stronger foundation for self-improvement. When we learn and grow from our mistakes, we find a better way of doing things, living life and our confidence grows stronger.

Unfortunately, I meet a lot of people who are stuck in their past failures, their “God forbid sins”, and they can’t seem to move past the guilt and shame. Friend, through Jesus Christ, you can remove the guilt, heal your broken heart and find newness in God’s healing process. You will never heal and get over your past until you are ready to turn a new page. Trusting God to heal you today is the best way to make for a better tomorrow. Believe me, He will transform your life into something better, creating a better you, a more secure and wiser you….if you simply allow Him to begin the healing process.

Maybe you are still living out your mistakes on the same page as your other failures. Its time to tear that page out, chunk it in the trash and ask for God to start a new beginning in your life today! Pray and ask God to come into your life, forgive you, heal you and give you the strength and courage to turn away from past behaviors and learn a new way of living life. I do it every day and He comes through! He will do it for you as well. Trust Him today for the changes that need to be made for a better you! God bless!

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