Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down.    Psalm 145:14

Have you ever fallen in front of a crowd? People are quick to offer their help to get you on your feet, but for you it’s quite embarrassing and you are quick to get back up without anyone’s assistance. Can you relate?

Our journey with the Lord can be quite similar. We try to live right, do right, but sometimes we fall either by sinning or partaking in something foolish. The guilt and shame knock you down. You try hard to get back up, but  Satan is there to quickly remind you of your weaknesses and says…you aren’t a good person and discourages you from getting back up.

God never intended for you to stay down and feel defeated. By His loving grace, you are saved and forgiven. When you sin, Jesus is right there with His hand, ready to steady you back up on your feet and wash away the muck of your sinful past and foolish actions. He never once reminds you of your past as Psalm 103:12 says….”As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.” So if you battle your past, just know its Satan whispering lies to you, again. Don’t listen to him, he is worthless and lost the battle.

Satan’s number 1 goal is to knock down every Child of God. A soldier is no good when he is down. But, through Jesus Christ, you can stand up firmly and keep your journey moving forward as you battle the sins and challenges of life. Trust in the Lord with every step and have confidence in knowing He is there to help you, sustain you and keep you marching forward towards Heaven! Keep on trucking! God bless!  

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