Wednesday, April 25, 2018

You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. John 15:16

As a child of God, do you realize that God had His eye on you when He welcomed you into His family? He wanted you to be with Him for all eternity. He appointed you into His holy family. When you stop and think about the God of this universe wanting you, it should make your commitment to Him that much greater.

Sadly, many accept that they are saved and go about their everyday life without a plan and purpose to continue God’s appointment for their life. Talk about missing the mark. But, when you keep this in mind and seek after God’s will for your life, you fall in line with His plan and start living the purpose He had for you as a Christian. When you are following down the perfect plan He has for you, He provides what you need for your life journey.

Do you realize your importance in God’s plan? Do you know the direction He wants for your life? If not, start today by praying for God’s will to be revealed and read your bible for guidance and direction. I can’t tell you the number of times, and I mean many many times, God has laid scripture before me as a road map for each and every decision I need to make. When I’m in the groove of God, He supplies EVERYTHING I need to sustain and make my way through another day. YOU are an appointed child of God. Live like it every day and find His sweet blessings along the way. God bless!   

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