Monday, April 16, 2018

Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you will hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, In the day of trial in the wilderness, Where your fathers tested Me, tried Me and saw My works for forty years.” Hebrews 3:7-9

Children oftentimes act like they don’t hear their parents when they tell them not to do something or do some household chore. “What? Were you talking to me.” they exclaim. For the parent, it can be frustrating and you pretty much get pushed to the limit, at that time blood pressure rises, voice gets louder and possibly some administration of discipline!

Christians are no different. Oftentimes God calls us to do something: help the neighbor, load groceries for that elderly man you pass by, pray for a certain individual He lays upon your heart. Let me share some friendly advice (and I’m speaking to myself here as well), LISTEN and HEED His call! Just like a parent instructing their kid what to do, or not do, God will initiate a request from you and expects you to respond. When you don’t, you are missing a blessing and are subject to God speaking louder and providing more pressure to conform.

Are Christians God’s puppets? Not at all. But, as His children, He wants our faithfulness, He wants us to be dedicated to Him, because HE CARES about you and wants what’s best. He wants to protect you, grow you into His image and provide blessings down the road you wouldn’t have normally received if you didn’t do as He requested. When God ask you to do something, He has a plan and a purpose behind it. Keep your ears open to His voice, take action and see His hand work ahead of you to prosper and grow you into His likeness! God bless!   

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