Friday, April 20, 2018

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Yesterday while out riding, I came up behind a vehicle that had the following symbols on their back window: “HE>I”, basically saying “He is greater than I”. Whoever was behind the wheel of this vehicle knew that God was greater than themselves. I’m sure they realized that the God of the universe is bigger and better than anything or anyone, and they have an anchor to hold onto.

I’m not sure who your anchor is, but I can attest, God is the greatest and best thing you can have in your life to get you through any life storm, any challenge and sustain you when your strength to carry on has left you completely high and dry. He>I is a good reminder for all of us that God has overcome the world and He will conquer whatever battle you are facing, if you simply put your faith and trust in Him.

What storm, challenge or draining situation has you feeling helpless? Give it to God. He is greater than it and has the best possible solution to get you through the moment. Trust me, He works on your behalf to bring out a better you, blesses you and in the process strengthens your weary soul. I’m living proof He sustains in ever matter of life. Trust Him today as an anchor for your life. God bless!

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