Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Then He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Revelation 5:7

This morning the Lord led me to this passage. Revelation is not a book I’ve done much reading, but I should. It contains a lot of information about the future, God’s judgement upon mankind and the churches across the world. Here we find in today’s passage that Jesus Christ is worthy of opening the scroll with seven seals. These can be found in Revelation 6 – 7.

As you read through these verses, its evident that we are close to, if not on the threshold of the “end times”. The question to ask, are you ready to meet your maker? God is the creator of everyone and everything. His presence is so powerful, even the rocks will cry out in praise of Him (Luke 19:20). Will you be able to stand before Him, knowing Him as your personal Lord and Savior? Will He know you?

We just celebrated Easter; the death of Christ and three days later He arose from the dead, conquering death and providing eternal life in Heaven for those who simply chose to believe in Him and follow Him daily. Have you accepted Christ into your life? If not, Hell is your final destination. Not a good place to be for all eternity. Find your hope in Christ today, by accepting Him into your life, trusting that your sins are forgiven and live for Him each day. Your life will be richly blessed as you get to know Him more and more through bible reading, prayer and fellowship with other Christians in church.

Time is drawing closer to the end of time. Are you ready?

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