Thursday, April 12, 2018

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

A few years back, LOL, I ran in track during my Jr High and High School years. Training was painful. Hours spent stretching, weight lifting and all that endless running. But I knew if I didn’t train hard, I wouldn’t be successful on race day. The results of my labor were revealed on the track.

As Christians, we have to decide just how dedicated we will be for the Lord. My previous blog mentioned scripture about focusing on things above and not of this world. Trust me, the world has a lot to offer….pleasures and things that bring a temporary high. But in the long run, they die out and go away, leaving us empty. Pursuing after God, remaining obedient and abstaining from the world’s temptations is the only way you will ever grow and strengthen your relationship with the Lord.

Maybe you are like me, you see things in your life that you want, the passion to pursue something or someone is so great, yet you know it won’t strengthen your walk with the Lord. It’s necessary to abstain and follow after the Lord. That’s called training your spirit for the long race towards eternity. God said it wouldn’t be an easy journey, but its one you are headed towards. Why not make it a little easier and do right, live right and follow the ways of God. Trust me, there are blessings along that journey that will sustain you more than any earthly pleasure. Run hard for Christ, He never gave up as He journeyed towards the cross for you and me! God bless!

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