Wednesday, April 18, 2018

They are plain to him who understands, and right to those who find knowledge.  Proverbs 8:9

Proverbs 8 speaks about the excellence of wisdom. Wisdom is the accumulation of experiences, knowledge and being able to use those resources to make sound decisions. Wisdom is never moved by emotions, temporary circumstances and fear. Wisdom is like a brick fireplace in a home, although the house may catch fire and burn up, that fireplace will still be standing once the smoke clears. Wisdom always stands when everything else fails.

If you are reading this blog, you have probably gone through some things in life that have taught you lessons about yourself and others. Its time to put those experiences and knowledge to work for you as you make decisions that impact today and all your tomorrows. Sadly, people get caught up in the “feel good” moment or times of loneliness and make foolish decisions. Decisions that could impact them for the rest of their lives.

Don’t make that mistake friend! Your life is too precious for poor choices. You are accountable to yourself, others, your work and your future. Take your time and think through each and every decision and choice you make. Regretful decisions can bury you in guilt, stress and suffering over a long period of time. Find a lot of wisdom for life’s answers by reading the bible. I’ve found the book of Proverbs is FULL of wisdom and sound advice. You will be blessed when you practice wisdom everyday of your life! God bless!

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