Sunday, April 8, 2018

Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus feet, and He healed them. Matthew 7:30

When the President sends his staff to meet with foreign nationals, he expects them to represent the United States. Their actions, words and beliefs are a window view of who he is and what this country stands for and believes in. When you talk to his staff, you essentially are talking to the President.

God did this very thing, by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to not only save mankind, but give people a glimpse into the character of God. All throughout the bible, you see God is in the healing business. Jesus healed thousands, performed many miracles and displayed a love like no other.  I can tell you beyond a shadow of doubt, God is in the healing business. He cares for each and every one He created, that would be you and me! Sadly, some feel they aren’t worthy of God’s attention and continue in their sickness, troubles and heartache. That is so far from the truth!

Friend, what ailments do you have today? Bring them to God through prayer and belief that He will do what’s necessary to heal you, restore hope and provide a brighter tomorrow. Your troubles are His concern. He may use your circumstances to take you to a new level of life or help turn you away from something bad, but over time He will bring healing and restoration. Start today by asking for His help, keep your eyes and heart open to His handiwork and remain obedient to Him. The further you are from Him, the less you will be able to see and hear His voice. God is in the healing business and He is more than ready to help you, are you ready to receive His help? God bless!

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