Friday, April 27, 2018

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. Ephesians 5:1

Our children are fun to watch. We see some of our characteristics coming out in them. Hopefully the best ones come out in them! 😊 But one thing that is really interesting to see is their behavior. Many kids follow the behaviors of their parents. A young toddler will push his toy lawnmower through the yard like his dad mowing grass, a daughter will cover her face in makeup, just like her mom. Kids follow their parents, so be careful what your kids see.

As a child of God, our behavior should resemble Christ, whose Holy Spirit lives inside of each believer. You can read about His character in the bible and learn from Him. Today’s scripture encourages all believers to live out your faith and show the world what Jesus Christ looks like through the words you say and your actions. Nothing will give the world a good view of Jesus Christ than the child of God.

If you are like me, you recognize your weaknesses and failures to live up to His standards at times. That’s why I come before God every morning on my knees in prayer asking for His forgiveness….and HE willingly gives me that grace….and grace for every believer. But to really grow into the Christian God intended for me to be, and you, we must turn from the ways of the world and learn from God through His word and the wisdom His Holy Spirit speaks into our minds and hearts.

As a parent, there will be times when you don’t provide the best example to your kids. Love them and let them know that you mess up at times. They will appreciate your honesty with them. When you mess up spiritually, come to God, asking for His forgiveness and help you grow in your faith so you can be the example He wants you to be for those around you! God bless!

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