Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6


Today’s verse brings a vision to mind of a momma bird flying back to her nest to feed her little babies. With their heads held high, mouths wide open, they eagerly wait for momma to drop a morsel of food into their tiny mouths. Yet, one of the babies is trying to feed on a bug that landed on the nest and has difficulty catching it. In the end, he went hungry, while the other birds are fed and nourished.


By now you are probably wondering if I was asleep, dreaming this stuff up. I promise I was awake. But, let me share the correlation between today’s verse and my vision.


Do you want a blessing from God? I think we all do. Yet, we are oftentimes like that little baby bird, distracted by the things of this world, and we miss God’s blessing when we take our eyes off Him and rely on our own resources to keep us satisfied. Just like the momma bird, God has something very satisfying to share with you, but you must hunger for it. He won’t give it to you unless your desire is for Him.


Need a blessing in your life? Hunger for God’s goodness, live a life of righteousness, and protect yourself from the things of this world and God’s blessings will keep you satisfied in life! God bless!  

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

 “I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.” John 12:46


Safety is paramount these days. When someone is injured on the job, it cost the employer money and lost productivity. To encourage employees to work safely, many companies have signs in view, showing the number of days the company has gone without a loss time accident. As the days grow in number from the last incident, it makes the employee think they don’t want to mess up that positive trend so they do all they can to be safe.


As we go through life, we all have spiritual accidents where we really mess up, possibly costing us our witness, reputation and the effects of a horrible mistake can be felt for a significant amount of time. Think about one of these occurrences in your life. Let’s be honest, you most likely weren’t living in the light of Christ. You were probably in the shadows of your reputation, thinking you were safe and comfortable. Eventually the light exposed your errors and the price you paid for it was costly. How can you keep from making the same mistake? How can you distance yourself from the last devastating event?


Every day you walk in the light of the Lord, you add another day to your safety record. Yes, you’ll sin occasionally, but keeping your focus on God and staying away from the dark practices of sin will help ensure your safety for another day. It takes work to avoid sin, but God gives us His Helper, The Holy Spirit, to guide us, strengthen us and keep us on the path of spiritual safety. Pray daily for His guidance as you add another day to your spiritual safety record. God bless!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

 …for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6


Christmas Eve, a time to celebrate the birth of Christ and share our love with family and friends. No doubt 2020 has been a rough year and many have lost loved ones due to Covid-19. In addition, there is the separation of family members who have to stay quarantined or in a facility where no visitors are allowed. And then of course there are families broken apart by divorce, leaving family members to celebrate alone. Whatever the situation, many will be alone during this holiday season.


I can tell you though, at my lowest times, the only place I could look to for relief from my loneliness was God. As a result of my seeking after Him, He made His presence known in my heart and comforted me when no one was around to share this special moment of celebration.


Maybe you are at home right now thinking about your dire situation. Put your heart in the hands of God and let Him comfort you in this moment. He can’t relive moments from the past, but He can start a new life for you and bring happiness and blessings in the quietest day of your life. Find your perfect company with the Lord today. God bless!

Monday, December 21, 2020


Finally, all of you, be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.        1 Peter 3:8-9


It’s the start of Christmas week. Many families will be gathering to celebrate the birth of Christ. Sadly, there are family members that have had their feelings hurt by other members in the family circle and carry with them bitter feelings. As a result, attitudes, actions and words can dictate the dynamics of the family gathering, making for some tense moments.


Friend, don’t let the past imbitter your celebration of the birth of Christ. Today’s passage gives some great advice on how to navigate the holiday gatherings with those who you are not fond of or fear will take a punch at your spirit. Keep your calm and season your gathering with blessings to others, even your enemies. We are reminded that when we bless others, a blessing can be expected in return from God.


As a child of God, that bitter person, most likely needs to see the heart of Christ. You can be that tender heart and light that will help bring them from their darkness. Trust me, if they are bitter, they are in the dark and need your guiding light to bring them to peace with you and family. Pray to God for strength and His guidance as you gather this holiday season. God will help you navigate the holidays and bless you in the process!

Sunday, December 20, 2020


A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. Proverbs 25:28


I have to admit, I got caught up in my emotions during last night’s SEC Championship college football game with Alabama defeating Florida. My wife is a devout Alabama fan, myself an Auburn fan. Alabama has a great football team, but for me, I don’t care to see Alabama keep winning. Every time I see them score, I get worked up to say the least.


As I pondered the game and my emotional state last night, I thought to myself, its simply a football game. Why do we get so worked up over something we have no control over and truly doesn’t even impact our life? Good question and sometimes hard to answer.


Today’s verse provides some sound advice on preserving our faith, “a man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.” Truth is, when we get all twisted up in our emotions, we let down our guard and sometimes evil and dark thoughts creep in and poison our attitude. As a result, actions and bitter words come out, potentially damaging our witness.


Lesson learned for the day, keep those emotions in check. Without guarding your emotions, you’ll end up sounding and acting like someone on the opponent’s team (Satan) and we don’t need for him to score one over on God’s winning team! Keep your emotions in check friend! God bless!


Thursday, December 17, 2020

 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9


During this Christmas season, organizations and people find creative ways to tap into everyone’s generosity by providing gift drop boxes at places of businesses, people standing by the roadsides asking for money and even at checkout you are often asked if you want to donate to a certain charity. To be honest, it can be overwhelming with all these requests to give. Then I look at my bank account and think to myself…I sure could use some donations. Can you relate?


No doubt there are many people in need. I encourage you to not stop supporting those in need. The old saying…”you reap what you sow” is true, especially when it comes to giving. Every time I have given, God has blessed me either financially or by other means. I never go without a meal, shelter or clothing (my wife can attest to that). God will do the same for you.


Your few dollars might not seem like much, but when you bless someone else, God will bless you. Even if you don’t feel like you have much to offer, God will increase your giving in a way only He can do. Give and leave the rest up to Him! Your giving will reap a plentiful harvest of blessings! God bless! 

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Asking with faith

 6 But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.

7 For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord,

8 being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

James 1: 6-8


When I was a kid growing up, I recall asking for things from either parents or elders. Oftentimes they would always say “What’s the magic word?” upon my request. Of course, it was always “please” and generally my wish was granted.


There is one thing necessary when you come to the Lord with a request, faith in Him! So often we come to the Lord with a request and in the back of our minds question whether he will fulfil our request or work things out the way we want. When your request comes with lack of faith, you might as well forget asking. So why is faith in God so important with your request?


Obtaining the Lord’s help is a two-part process. Your faithful request and His response. When you put your faith in Him, you are posturing yourself for how He handles your situation and the response He provides. Yes, He might not hand it over on a silver platter, but through faith and trust in His wisdom, you will be grateful for how He responds. Trust me friend, He knows what’s best for you. Sometimes He doesn’t completely fulfil our request because he knows the full blessing will be a distraction for your relationship with Him. I am living proof of God’s goodness with His metered blessings.

Next time you ask God for something, have faith in His response and be willing to receive what He provides OR doesn’t provide. He loves you more than anyone and anything in this world and will give you the very best when your faith is strong! God bless!


Sunday, December 13, 2020


And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8


This morning I woke up with a portion of this verse on my mind “love will cover a multitude of sins”. I’m fully aware of the scripture and every time it has new meaning. This morning I recalled moments in my life when I haven’t been the best husband, the best father, the best co-worker and friend. Although, at times, I have failed to live up to certain standards, my heart has always been full of love for the people within my circle of influence.


Mind you, love doesn’t correct my wrongs in life, but love is the glue that binds me to those whom I share life with, either in the homeplace, at work, in my community and church. To me, love is the primary purpose of my existence as a child of God. Jesus Himself said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God and love your neighbor. (Matthew 22:36-40)


When I’m dead and gone, my prayer is that those whom I’ve shared this life with will remember how much I loved them.


How about you? Is your life seasoned with love? Sometimes the hardest thing we can do is love other people, especially our enemies. Yet God commands us to love those who persecute us. I encourage you to click this link on LOVE and read the scriptures about love in the bible.  If you are a child of God, love should be the foundation for your existence, as a light into this dark world. Let love be the memory of you when you depart from this world. Love covers a multitude of sins! God bless!

Saturday, December 12, 2020


Jesus answered him, “What I’m doing you don’t understand now, but afterward you will know.” John 13:7


There was a time in my life when everything seemed to be spiraling out of control. I prayed and prayed for God to intervene and stop the madness, but things continued to crumble and fall apart. I recall standing alone in my house, feeling helpless and without direction. The weeks and months that followed were an emotional roller coaster and I struggled to keep it together. The whole time I kept asking God what He was doing.  


Looking back now, I can see the hand of God specifically working to create a new me and a future that couldn’t have been planned any better by myself. Yea, I struggled and went through some periods of severe heart break and momentary depression, but it was for my good to strengthen me and help me become the person I am today. And I can honestly say I am blessed beyond measure.


He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Isaiah 40:29. While God was doing a mighty work in my life, He certainly sustained me, to help keep me going, day by day. All I could do was wait on the Lord to see where the next chapter would take me.


But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31. Maybe you are going through a difficulty that has you feeling helpless and totally out of control. I can tell you this, when you are out of control, God is in control and He is working something better for you. Until He delivers the finished product, wait on Him, trust that He is working on your behalf and know that God has His best planned for your life. Trust Him while you wait on the Lord! God bless!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16


As a kid growing up on a farm in mid-west Illinois, I recall some winters where we received a lot of snow and it was challenging for me to walk through it. Fortunately, my dad had big feet and if I allowed him to walk ahead of me, I could walk in his footsteps to keep myself from getting bogged down in the thick snow. On occasion I might try to make my own path, only to get cold, wet snow falling into my shoes and feet freezing. I learned pretty quick it was best to follow in his footsteps.


Today’s verse gives some great advice for God’s children. Follow the footsteps of God and you will never find yourself stuck in the muck of life. He has clearly laid out the path for us through scripture and our personal attendant, The Holy Spirit, to guide our every step to keep us from messing up. Unfortunately, satan will always be there to tempt you to make your own path, and the convince you it will be a shortcut to where you want to go, but as soon as you take a few missteps, your walk won’t be any easier and most likely more difficult.


We have a loving Father who wants the very best for us. He offers His protection and wisdom every day in the choices we make and the path we chose to follow. The choice is yours. But understand, there are always consequences to the decision you make to march on your own. Follow in the footsteps of safety and let the Holy Spirit guide you each day as you navigate this life. God bless!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

 But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Luke 18:16


Sadly, a family in our community recently suffered the tragic loss of their young son. There are no words that can heal the brokenness of this family’s loss. I personally know several people who have lost their young child and the healing process never ends.


As I was sitting in church this morning, praying for this family, God laid today’s verse on my heart. You see, in the middle of Jesus’s ministry to the adult population, Jesus took a moment to receive these young children into his presence, by allowing them to sit on His lap and embrace them with His love. What a beautiful moment to see Jesus bless these little ones.  I can only imagine the beauty of Jesus receiving young children in Heaven, embracing them with His arms and loving them as His very own.


Words can provide little comfort for those grieving here on earth, but the reminder that Jesus has promised theirs is the kingdom of God hopefully will provide some peace and comfort knowing their child is in the presence of Jesus Christ and one day, we will join them for all eternity.


May God’s presence surround you with His love and healing during this most difficult time. May the comfort of knowing your loved one is in a perfect place, bring peace to your grieving heart. God bless!

Friday, December 4, 2020


But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33


Do you find yourself competing against the clock? Seems like there is never enough time in the day to accomplish all you need to? Between my OCD and drive to accomplish things, my daily schedule is always packed at work and home. Wish you could add more hours to the day?


Let me share a secret with you on how you can gain more time and accomplish more. Today’s verse provides the answer. Give God time FIRST in the day and He will make each hour more meaningful and productive. Trust me, seriously, trust me. I practice this every day at my work. Before I start the grind, I walk around my office building and pray, asking God to provide me wisdom and be productive. When I do, even I am shocked at how things work out and the accomplishments noted at the end of my day.


You might not think you have time to give to God in prayer, maybe a short devotional and trust Him with your challenges. God is the maker of time and He can take your 15 minutes of focus on Him and double your productivity.


This holiday season will be busy and your agenda is tiring just at first glance. Don’t get bogged down by time. Give time to God and watch the results of your willingness to seek after Him first. He is the time maker and will get you through each day with time left over. God bless!

Friday, November 27, 2020


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


The day after Thanksgiving is typically one of the busiest days for shopping, appropriately called “Black Friday”. As purchases are made, “gift receipts” are given as proof of purchase. I always save my Christmas present receipts just in case what I purchased doesn’t work out for the recipient.


As Christians, we have a similar receipt, Jesus Christ. He was made payment for our sins. And through His sacrifice, we each have received the Holy Spirit as proof of our eternal salvation. Thankfully we don’t lose our status, we only gain points of blessings as we serve and honor God throughout our earthly existence.


As you navigate the retail stores and collect those gift receipts, let them serve as a reminder of your status in Christ, saved and eternally secure, bound for a beautiful place called Heaven. Let your life serve as a living example of your relationship with your creator! God bless and be safe shopping!

Thursday, November 26, 2020


Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Hebrews 13:2


The other day I had an encounter with a homeless man. He was standing at an intersection near several businesses. As I approached, I felt compelled to give him some money. As I got closer, I rolled down my window and called out to him, but he never looked my way. Finally, I got his attention, handed him some money and he thanked me. He also stated he was deaf and could not hear when I was calling out to him. My heart went out to this man and I prayed for God to watch over him and provide for his necessities.


On this day of Thanksgiving, we make statements about what we are thankful for and the people in our life who make us feel loved and appreciated. But how can we express our thankfulness? I truly believe its through giving. One thing you must understand….


Nothing you possess is yours without God’s generous blessing. He provides for your needs through your finances, food, shelter, clothing and family. When you share a portion of what He has blessed you with, you in turn bless others, just as His blessing was intended. And the return on your giving is more than you could make up on your own.  


Be alert for ways you can share your blessings. It might be a special ministry, giving someone in need some cash, baking that elderly person you know a nice dish of food….the list is endless, but there are many opportunities to share God’s blessings. And the cool thing is, you might just entertain an angel. God will bless you friend when you give. Show your gratitude this holiday season through giving! God bless!


Wednesday, November 25, 2020


The bin of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil run dry, until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth. 1 Kings 17:14


Today’s verse comes from the story of Elijah and the Widow, 1 Kings 17: 8-16. God instructed Elijah to go to Zarephath, and informed him that a widow would provide for his food. Upon arrival, he saw the widow and requested bread from her. Her reply to his request in Verse 12: she replied that she didn’t have any bread, only a small amount of flour and a small portion of oil, just enough to make one small loaf of bread to feed both her and her son. She had just enough. She was at the end of her rope and had nothing else. But God! She went and did as Elijah asked and as we read thru the passages, she had enough for all three of them, and flour and oil left over.  

As we enter into the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, you might find yourself with just enough to get by. Weather its food, visiting family members or money, you have just enough to get you by. Things might appear desperate, but trust me, God can supply all of your needs if you trust Him with what you have.

Give your “just enough” over to God this holiday season and see how He can multiply His blessings more than you could do on your own. God loves His children and will meet their needs, financially, spiritually, emotionally even your supply of food. Give it to God and watch Him keep your bin of flour just enough full to get you through. God bless!

Monday, November 23, 2020


And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9


In October 1985 I came face to face with mother nature head and almost lost. I was with a group of college students climbing Pikes Peak mountain in Colorado when a blizzard hit us just a few miles short of our destination, two warm log cabins at timberline.


 At 11,000 feet, the oxygen level drops significantly and the miles and miles we hiked had my body simply worn out. I’d take 5 or 6 steps and fall down trying to catch my breath. The wind and snow was blowing between 30 – 40 mph and the trail was now covered in snow. Thankfully our group leader knew the way and kept encouraging us to move on. As time went on, our group spread further and further apart. Quite honestly it was a struggle to survive.


As I was just about to lay down and give up, one of the guys ahead said “we are getting close.” With those words, I mustered up as much energy as I could and started climbing, slowly, step by step. Eventually we all made it to the log cabins which were warmed by a hot fire in the fire place. Mother nature almost won that day and ever since I’ve had much respect for weather and its power.


So, where am I going with this blog? I can say with ease, 2020 has been a struggle. All the chaos and challenges we’ve faced, not to mention I had COVID-19 for two weeks and it kicked my butt. I’m sure you’ve had your challenges too. My walk with the Lord has also been a struggle. With a lack of church attendance (because of government restrictions), I personally have struggled to keep my focus. Many of our church activities, which have energized my spirit, were cancelled, thus reducing the spiritual nourishment I’ve thrived on in past years.


 I ran across today’s verse the other day and it reminded me of that mountain side struggle. Although the world’s elements and chaos make it difficult to live out my faith, I must forge on, keeping the faith, continuing to do the good works of the Lord. I can hear the Lord saying, “you are close to the end of this struggle and blessings wait you!” Keep forging on friend! A few steps to glory wait you! Never give up on your faith in God! God bless!   

Sunday, November 22, 2020

 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another. Romans 12:10

If there is one clear message for every American, we are all different. Different in our race, culture, beliefs, how we live, how we treat others….the list of differences goes on and on. From state to state, city to city, even house to house in the same neighborhood, differences abound. One of the struggles for many is the ability to accept the fact that not everyone has the same belief system. This is especially true for people as they get older and set in their ways….my hand is raised!


Today’s verse is a great reminder that although the person across the street or another family member may view life differently, we MUST love one another and have respect for their beliefs and decisions. We might not understand it or accept it, but love must be present if we are to live in accordance to God’s will.


If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? 1 John 4:20 You might not hate a person for their beliefs, but how do you treat them? Do you put them down in conversation with others? Which leads me to my last point, what is love?


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7  

Love is a tall order, but God expects us to show His love to others without any conditions. Love is what will bridge together everyone! Love on someone today! God bless!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God: Philippians 4:6


This past Sunday I observed several people sitting in the pew sobbing. Most likely they were in the middle of some painful difficulty and it was weighing heavy on their heart. I’ve been there and know how life’s difficult moments can overwhelm you to the point that you lose control of your emotions and cry out for help.


As I observed the emotional outpouring, a thought came to mind: when faced with difficulty, ring God’s door bell for help. I know it sounds corny, but there is much truth to the statement. So often we get side tracked with a difficulty that consumes us from all sides. Unfortunately, it can be so distracting you forget to call upon God for help. As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit with us 24/7. He is always there, ready for us to push that help button, and He will respond. God Himself said: I will never leave you!


The next time you face difficulty, don’t face it alone, ring God’s door bell. He will answer no matter the time of day or weight of your trouble. Trust me, I speak from experience! He will help you too. Call upon Him today! God bless!

Monday, November 16, 2020


Therefore thus says the Lord God:

Behold, My servants shall eat,

But you shall be hungry;

Behold, My servants shall drink,

But you shall be thirsty;

Behold, My servants shall rejoice,

But you shall be ashamed.

Isaiah 65:13


In yesterday’s blog I talked about the importance of not only doing the right things, but believing and supporting those who seek after God’s word. I’d like to continue with this chapter 65 in Isaiah.


In this country, and many places around the world, it’s the “majority” that win when it comes to decisions, such as this recent election. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter if the majority’s thinking aligns with God’s standards, its about what feels right. This type of thinking can move a generation away from God. If you attend church, its very evident by the attendance that people aren’t interested in what God has to say. In my opinion we are headed in dangerous territory! God will not bless a land that doesn’t bless Him.


The good news is that God will protect His children, regardless of what’s the popular standard of their society. You might feel like the majority has control, but nothing comes about without God’s allowance. And as you know, God has a plan for everything that happens in this world, including your life. So, don’t despair when you aren’t holding the popular view.


Until the return of Jesus Christ, the child of God needs to live out their days faithful to the Savior, pray for this nation and most importantly, love your enemy (Matthew 5:44).


If my people who are called by my name humbles themselves, and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.        2 Chronicles 7:14  God bless!

Sunday, November 15, 2020


Sharon shall be a fold of flocks. And the Valley of Achor a place for herds to lie down, For My people who have sought Me. Isaiah 65:10


During my quiet time God led me to today’s verse, Isaiah 65:10. Although the verse by itself might not make much sense, it has much meaning when you read the entire chapter of Isaiah 65. No doubt this election process we have been going through has been much deeper than Trump vs. Biden. Its good vs. evil in my personal opinion. No one political party (or person) is any holier than the other, yet if you look at each party’s platform, its clear that one aligns more with God’s word than the other. If you don’t believe me, take time to study the bible and search scriptures that support or go against their respective political beliefs (if you value God’s word).


All through the bible we read about two kinds of people: those who follow God and those who oppose Him. Isaiah 65:12b: “Because when I called, you did not answer; When I spoke, you did not hear, But did evil before My eyes, and chose that in which I do not delight.”  I truly believe that God holds us accountable not only for what we do, but what we believe and support, either through our day to day conversations and who we support politically. If you believe in God and what He says, you will support the cause of Christ and truthfulness of God’s word.


Today’s blog might be a hard pill to swallow, but the truth is, there is a God, He created you, and has provided mankind His word to live by in the bible. Read it and be informed, God doesn’t mess around. He wants His followers to abhor what is evil, cling to what is good”. Who do you seek after? For those who follow God, He will provide a place of comfort and peace. In closing, I encourage you to pray for the citizens of this country, pray for our leadership and pray that God will direct your daily path. God bless!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Like birds flying about, So will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem. Defending, He will also deliver it; Passing over, He will preserve it. Isaiah 31:5


This morning I was sitting outside doing a little bible study and watching nature around me. I saw a bird flying quickly across my yard and for a brief second adjusted his altitude so he could fly over my neighbor’s fence. That bird was moving so quickly I could barely keep an eye on him, but eventually he landed on the roof for a good view of his surroundings.


In today’s passage God was compared to a bird and His ability to move about with nothing in the way of His movement. God has no obstacles that hold him back, He sits on high to have everything in sight, and most of all, He has no fear of heights as He climbs above mountain peaks and storms of nature.


I certainly had a revelation this morning! For you, a child of God, He can help you in your every day life. You might be standing in the darkness of tall mountains of trouble, yet, God sees you and when you call on Him, His eagle eye can spot you and deliver you from your troubles. He may not remove them from you, but He will certainly be with you every step of the difficult journey out as you climb to safety.


For me personally, I have specifically prayed for a difficult situation, and God brought me through it, better than I could have wished. He will do the same for you. He is capable of helping you. What seems impossible from your view point, is nothing to God. Trust Him with your troubles, even the little ones, and watch Him move to bring about resolution, healing and strength as you navigate the peaks and valleys of life! God bless!   

Thursday, November 5, 2020


Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done. Luke 22:42


Last Sunday our preacher was closing the service with a prayer. Near the conclusion of his prayer he stated, “may Your will be done.” As I sat there, I asked myself, am I able to accept His will for my life? I can speak from experience, sometimes God’s will for my life involve pain, and difficult times. Although I know God uses those difficult times to grow my faith and strengthen my relationship with Him, its still hard to accept.


Maybe you are in the midst of a difficult situation: a diagnosis that doesn’t appear to be favorable, you are facing some tough decisions that will not only impact you, but others in your life and those impacts aren’t easy, maybe there is difficulty at work and your worry constantly about tomorrow. No doubt, life can have its peaks and unfortunate valleys. But don’t be discouraged friend, God’s will has a better outcome than the difficulty currently facing you.


Today’s passage is a reminder that as a Christian, you will have difficult times. Jesus paid mankind’s sin debt by sacrificing His life on the cross. I’m sure his flesh didn’t want to go through the excruciating pain and momentary separation from God, yet God’s will had an eternal purpose, and Jesus stuck to the plan by being obedient to His Father. And we are so thankful He went through it on our behalf!


“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. Stick with God’s will for your life. There is a bigger blessing on the other side of this tribulation you are encountering. God bless



Sunday, November 1, 2020


Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8


Change, it is found in everyday life. We change phones, jobs, computer programs, laws, where we live, churches, even time changes in Spring and Fall (which I forgot to turn my clock back so I’m up at 6 instead of 7). I don’t know about you, but I struggle at times with some of the required changes I have to make. Do you?


One thing that never changes, our Savior, Jesus Christ. His ways, thoughts and scale of justice never changes. What He has written in the bible never changes and neither should we. God’s word is the foundational truth of our faith and belief system. Aligning your life with the wisdom and instruction of the bible will give you the strongest foundation for worldly changes. The bible’s text has strengthened me in times of weakness, given me hope when things seem hopeless and encouragement to keep on going when I don’t like the changes that have to be made in my life.


If you struggle with life’s changes, put your trust and faith in God’s word. Let it become your pillar of hope and strength as you navigate life’s changes and the challenges that comes with change. I assure you; Jesus consistency will be the one thing you can put your assurance in with every change; today and tomorrow. God bless!

Saturday, October 31, 2020


In the same hour the fingers of a man’s hand appeared and wrote opposite the lampstand on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace. Daniel 5:5


Today’s verse talks about the hand of God writing on the wall of king Belshazzar and later Daniel provided its interpretation. Can you imagine what was going through everyone’s mind who witnessed this great thing?


If you are like me, you often wish God would write a message, directing me in a decision or certain thought process. Can you relate? I’m here to tell you He has already written many messages to you, me and countless other people in His word, the bible. And not only that, as a child of God, He implanted His Holy Spirit inside of every believer. Do you believe that?


I can tell you after being a child of God for a great number of years, I have learned that when I seek after God’s direction and wisdom, He freely gives it to me either by His Spirit speaking to me, through scripture or both. Oftentimes His Spirit leads me to a specific verse in the bible that provides the clearest message.  He has done this for me more times than I can count. He will do it for you as well. You just have to put your faith and trust in Him and believe He is ready and willing to provide you a message to guide you through the challenges of life. Seek Him out today for your message! God bless!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Doing it God's way

 "For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh," Romans 8:3

Before Jesus Christ's arrival, mankind had the laws of Moses for a standard of living  and animal sacrafices for sin payment. It was work on part of the individual to live up to these standards and all failed, including some of God's most devoted. 

Thankfully God's love and compassion for mankind took on the labor of trying to do it right by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to make payment for the sins of mankind. One crucial benefit of Jesus Christ was a glimpse into God's thoughts and ways, recorded by the words of Christ in the bible. 

As God's child, your sins are covered by His blood. No longer do you have sacrafice an animal; that was taken care of by Christ. Does that mean you can live any old way you want? By no means. Your desire to be forgiven and understanding the sacrafice on your behalf should prompt you to live by God's standards of living. 

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30 The way of Christ is not a burden, on the contrary it will enrich your life and bring blessings that you otherwise could not experience on your own. If you are saved, thank God for His love and sacrafice for you, and learn His ways. Life will be more free than doing it on your own. 

Friday, October 23, 2020

Working with your pieces

 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Years ago I picked up the hobby of woodworking. I'd plan what I wanted to create and slowly work thru each step of the building process. Oftentimes I'd run into a snag, maybe something didn't fit right and I'd have to modify it or sometimes scrap it and start over. But one thing for sure, because of my determination, I always completed what I started out to create. 

As a child of God, He has a plan for your life. He works in mysterious ways to shape you into something beautiful. From your viewpoint, your life might not appear to be a work in progress. Maybe you have a lot of broken pieces of your life, or the times you let down God has you thinking He can't use you for anything worthy of His authorship. 

Friend, God has more determination to create something good from brokenness and failures. Your vision might be obscured from the craftsman's hands, but He knows what He is doing. Trust Him, talk to Him in prayer and believe that no matter what is going on in your life, it's part of His plan to create something beautiful. God bless. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020


In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, Ephesians 1:7


In the bible, Genesis 3:8-21, we read about Adam and Eve who just ate from the forbidden tree and because of their disobedience, they became aware of their nakedness. When God walked in the Garden of Eden, He called out to them both, but they hid because of their shame. Their sin was exposed and they didn’t want to face God. Can you imagine facing God with your sin, feeling the weight of your disobedience in front of the almighty God? I’d probably die on the spot.


As we read the passage though, it starts off with the “blame game”. Adam blames Eve and Eve blames the serpent, who deceived her. God addresses all three in the dialog and its not a conversation I would want to have taken part in.


So where am I going with this story? This morning as I read it, a beautiful thought came to mind about our sin and how God addresses us. Read Genesis 3:21: 21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife, and clothed them.  Although God confronted their sin and addressed the results of their misbehavior, He still took the time to cover their naked bodies with animal skin. They were naked no more. 


Jesus Christ did the same for you and me. As believers in Jesus, we have the covering of His shed blood, a sacrifice for our sins and it covers us when we mess up. We no longer have to walk in fear when we come to God, His blood covers our nakedness. Best advice I can give you today…1 Corinthians 6:20 For you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Sunday, September 27, 2020


Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 


If there is a prize for the world champion fishermen, it would have to go to Satan. He has perfected the perfect lure to entice people to sin. Think about it with me….


For starters, he plops that lure of temptation when you least expect it. Just the other day I was doing my best to keep my focus, when Satan dropped something in front of me that sent my mind in a downward spiral. It took several days to recover from that experience.


Secondly, Satan knows our weaknesses and will plop the right temptation that looks so satisfying and hard to resist. Just like a fish in water, we will chase that toxic lure until we bite into it.


Once hooked, Satan tugs the tempting lure so it hooks you even more and pulls you away from God’s single path of righteousness. Satan wants you far away from God as He can get you. Sin is what separates man from God.   


This morning God laid this passage on my mind, Philippians 4:8. Lets face it, our mind steers our daily decisions. Unless we keep our mind focused on God, evaluate every thought against God’s standards (2 Corinthians 10:5), we will fall for Satan’s lure of temptation every single time. We MUST keep our focus on Godly things, Godly thoughts and turn aside from anything that lures us away from the truth of God.


Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, think about these things. God bless!

Sunday, September 20, 2020


For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:15


Do you recall those times, in your youth, when you were in trouble and your parent was going to address the trespass with you? The fear and dread of that conversation was heavy on your heart and you knew either your backside or pride was going to be hurt. I can recall those times and they weren’t pleasant.


This morning I was reading an excerpt from my grandmother’s journal and she stated that as a Christian, Jesus removes the “guilt of our sin”. I had to sit and ponder that thought for a moment, then God opened my mind to countless scripture about how His children shouldn’t fear, but have joy in the freedom we have in Christ. Jesus Christ paid our sin debt, 100%. Yea, we gonna mess up at times and should feel remorse, but the punishment has been taken care of by Jesus Christ. That fear of facing The Father has been removed. We can acknowledge our shortcomings, ask for forgiveness and move on without living in fear.


Fear is something Satan uses to keep God’s children in bondage of guilt and feel worthless. Until we close our ears to Satan’s lies and engulf ourselves in the gospel truth and understanding of our freedom in Christ, we will continue to feel the guilt and shame of our trespasses. If you are a born-again believer, you are free from sin’s payment of eternal death. You are free of sin’s guilt and the punishment that comes with it.


Live your life in Christ without fear and dedicate your ways to His perfect will and plan for your life. You will experience more of God’s blessings when you feel the freedom to live than the fear of death. God bless!

Saturday, September 19, 2020


Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28


There is nothing more comforting than standing next to a heater in the dead of winter when its cold outside and you can’t seem to warm up even inside your home. As you get closer to the source of heat, your body feels it warming you on the surface, then goes inside to the core. I’m sure you can recall a time when you experienced a time of extreme cold and the heater was your friend.


As Christians, we go through cold spells in life when our faith isn’t warm, the daily grind seems to be a heavy burden and your nights are full of sleeplessness and worrisome thoughts. Can you relate? Over the past few weeks I have struggled with rest, feeling the pressures of life’s circumstances and worries. As a result, my patience became less, I was more emotional and reactive when negative things happened and my walk with the Lord seemed more hit and miss than a steady pace.


Things got so bad, I finally dropped to my knees in prayer, asking for God’s help. I made a commitment to God to pray more often, specifically targeting the problems I faced. After only two days of intense prayer, I saw God’s hand move in each and every situation. Even problems I didn’t anticipate, God already had a solution and was helping me navigate those challenges.


Friend, if you are having sleepless nights, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders and just can’t seem to get it together, draw near to God. Through consistent and specific prayers, He will help you. One thing I also was reminded of, I must believe He will help me. Me doubting God’s ability to handle my most difficult situation only lessens my ability to let go and let Him take control. Read James 1:6–8. It’s when I put my faith and trust in His ability, did I start to see results of my call for help.


Pray, release your worries and believe in Him. Results and blessings will soon follow. Rest today in Him! God bless!

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist. Luke 21:15


Do you ever worry about what you’ll say to someone when your words really matter? Maybe it’s a heart to heart talk with your kids, a friend is going through a difficult time and needs words of comfort or wisdom or maybe you have an enemy who is trying to outwit you. Can you relate?


Yeah, my hand is raised. I can tell you that when you seek after God for His help, He will always supply you with the words and wisdom needed for that point in time. The key is trusting that He will speak through you and having the confidence to speak it. There have been times when I’ve talked to a friend about an issue, trusted in God’s wisdom and words, and its almost like God was speaking for me, using my mouth. The words just came out, without me messing up the message.


It’s amazing to see God works when you truly surrender yourself to Him. The next time you have to speak to a friend or even an adversary, call upon God to provide the wisdom and words, then speak it with confidence knowing the author is God. God bless!