Monday, December 30, 2019

We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken, struck down, but not destroyed 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

When I was growing up on the farm, one job I worked was to bale hay, and we had a lot of hay to bale. The bailer, was a piece of equipment that picked up the cut grass and compacted it together to come out in long bales, which we loaded on a hay rack and took to the barn for storage. Sometimes in the process of bailing hay, the grass was thick as it entered the bailer and it put pressure on the device that compacted the hay. If too much pressure built up, this metal shear pin would break, causing us to hault work until my dad or uncle changed it out. I can’t tell you how much we looked forward to that down time. It gave us rest and also made my uncle slow down as he drove the bailer.

So where am I going with this? Life can bring a lot of pressures on us. Sometimes the pressure can be so great that it causes us to break down for a while. Although no one wants this to happen, God often allows it so we can find rest and “regroup”. As humans we often allow a lot of things into our life that bring unnecessary stress. It just isn’t worth the pressure we place on ourselves. Our brokenness can also be a sign we need to slow down and refocus on God. Whew….speaking to myself here friends!

We just wrapped up Christmas and headed into New Years. I’m sure you have a lot of “to dos” for 2020. Don’t get too bogged down that you put unwanted pressure on your life. Turn to God for that New Years direction and seek wisdom from Him for your life! God has a great plan for you! Find it in Him and with fewer break downs. God bless!

Thursday, December 26, 2019

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. James 1:22

A while back I purchased a shelving unit and was going over the instructions on how to assemble it. Everything seemed pretty straight forward, so I simply went by the pictures, not paying any attention to the written instructions. Wouldn’t you know it, half way through I had missed an important step that helped to align the shelves. I had to back track by disassembling parts of what I put together and reassemble with the parts I missed. A little frustrated and extra time finally resulted in the finished product. If only I had taken the time to follow each step closely through reading the text and not taking it upon myself to figure it out.

Long story to make a point. God often calls us to do something that may seem insignificant in our life. But God sees beyond that moment and has a plan for each of us. By omitting His instructions, we oftentimes miss a blessing and delay His plans to bring something to fruition in our life. Nothing God calls us to do is insignificant. We must remain obedient and faithful when He calls us to do something, whether it’s praying for someone, standing in objection to someone who doesn’t reflect Godly beliefs, giving to someone in need….the list is endless.

I can look back over my life and see where I’ve been faithful and done something, what seemed completely insignificant OR something I did not want to do, yet God used that single moment as a piece to my life’s puzzle to bring something special into my life. He will do the same for you friend when you remain steadfast and obedient to His word and His calling! God bless!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But deliverance is of the Lord. Proverbs 21:31

If you’ve been a Christian for any amount of time you realize there is an enemy out there coming against you, ready to weaken you, rob you of your joy, even try to destroy you and your witness. The closer to God you become, the stronger the devil attacks. Believe me, the battle is real.

The truth be known, the battle has already been won through Jesus Christ. But with the here and now, as humans, we still struggle in our daily walk to remain strong, faithful and obedient. Preparing for the day should include prayer, bible reading and a good devotional. By starting our minds out, focused on God and His provisions for the day, we equip ourselves to see the day through, with God’s help.

Did I mention God’s help? There are days I wake up, knowing the battle is bigger than myself. I literally can hear the devil whispering words of defeat and fear into my ears. But I quickly remind myself of the battles God and I have won and know Satan has nothing against what God can do for me and His children.

Do all you can to prepare for the battle, but the victory is of the Lord. And He will bring victory to your battles! So trust Him as you fight the daily challenges and remain strong, faithful, and obedient. God has this day in His hands. God bless!

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resist the authority resist the ordinance of God and those who resist will bring judgement on themselves. Romans 13:1-2

No doubt the impeachment proceedings have brought much division to America. Support on both sides is evident as I hear people speak and see what’s posted on social media. It can be quite frustrating and anger builds up for those who have a strong opinion on ether side. But I have to ask, whose really in charge?

Today’s verse sums it up pretty clear that God is the ultimate one in control. Although the people vote for their favorite person, I truly believe that God had something to do with who was chosen to lead this country. Regardless, we must support who governs the people.

How can we do that? Through prayer for our leaders, prayer for one another and prayer that we end the divisional walls so we can be a unified country, “One Nation Under God”. I recall hearing that back in school. Pray for your leader and support him/her as they have been chosen by God to lead our country! Go bless!

So the king gave the command, and they brought Daniel and cast him into the den of lions. But the king spoke, saying to Daniele, “Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.” Daniel 6:16

 Not to be negative, but this world is full of deceitful people who want to see the “good guys” suffer only because their life is miserable and without the presence of God in their life. I see it on a daily basis in my comings and goings. Its sad that people are so vindictive and full of evil. But that is exactly why they display evil ways, they have not the righteousness of God living in them.

Daniel was devoted to God and those around him hated his Godly ways. They tricked the king into making some ridiculous decree that Daniel would not honor because it was not honoring God. Because of his faithfulness, Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den.  As you read in the verses that follow, God closed the mouths of the lions and he was released without any harm.

Evil tried to kill righteousness, and failed. God prevailed through Daniel’s faithfulness. I can personally tell you that when you remain faithful to God, even in the face of criticism, deceit and evilness, God will shut the mouths and disable those who come against you. God has never lost a single battle and wont with you if you remain committed to Him. Keep the faith, even in the face of hungry lions! God bless!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The LORD is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come
to repentance.

Have you ever wondered how God could send a person to Hell? I had this question asked of me one night while working at my church’s Judgement Journey production. The person asking the question was saved, but still wanted to know how a loving God could cast someone into a horrible place.

This verse came to mind as she began to ask the question. You see, God did the hard part. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to instruct us on living the Christian life. But most importantly, He paid our sin debt (for the wages of sin is death) for you and me…”But God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” Romans 5:8.

Each and ever person walking the face of this earth has a choice. To accept the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ sacrifice OR deny his offer and have to pay that sin debt on their own. Personal payment of sin is Hell.

The choice is yours. God offers you payment of your sins, all you have to do is believe in Jesus Christ in what He did on the cross, ask for forgiveness of sins and live a life for Him daily. “For those who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13. Call upon Him today and be eternally saved and Heaven bound. God bless!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish. 1 Samuel 1:10

We read in the first chapter of 1 Samuel about Hannah, one of two wives of Elkanah. She was unable to bear children, for the Lord closed her womb (1 Sam 1:5). Elkanah’s other wife, Peninnah, on the other hand was able to bear children. As we read in today’s verse, Hannah was deeply saddened because she could not bear a child.

Hannah was a Godly woman and she prayed to God, asking for a male child. In her prayer she made a vow to God, saying she would give him to the Lord. Later we read God answered her prayer and she bore a son named Samuel. Hannah endured years of verbal abuse and criticism from her counterpart because she could not bare a child. But in the end, her fervent request was fulfilled.

I think the purpose in this story is to understand that God wants to give us the desires of our heart. Sometimes God wants to see just how committed you are to your request. That’s why He oftentimes waits to fulfil your request through His generous blessings.

What do you long for? Is it something genuine that will benefit you and bring blessings to God in return once received? God wants to see your commitment and it all begins with your faithfulness, praying on your knees in complete humbleness and obedience. God has a plan for your life and most likely your desire was put there by God if you are in tune with His will for your life. God will answer at the right time, trust Him as your pray like Hannah. Pray in faith and God will provide you with His very best! Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding. Yes we will come to you, for you are the Lord our God. Jeremiah 3:22

As a Christian, it can be easy to find yourself out of sync with God. One day of church attendance missed, easily turns into another and before you know it, you haven’t darkened the doors of a church in months. Or maybe an old habit resurfaced after a relapse in your commitment to “do better”. Maybe you’ve let your time of service to God be replaced by something worldly. Or you’ve found yourself in unnecessary debt, heavily weighted down by guilt or fallen out of grace with a fellow Christian. There are many things and situations that can cause one of God’s children to falter and its effects can be felt over time.


Satan uses those “backsliding” things to speak lies, telling you that you aren’t good enough for God and He won’t forgive you. Those lies can push you further away from God’s truth. And the truth is, God is a loving God and wants to bring you back within His will and life of obedience. He is full of grace and mercy, all you have to do is ask for His forgiveness and turn back towards Him. I’ve been a Christian now for 40 plus years and I have had to find God’s grace and forgiveness to bring me back in good standing. And He comes through every time.


Friend, no matter how far you are from God, He is ready and willing to bring you back into His fold of protection, love and blessings. All you have to do is ask. Yes, God does not favor our sin, but He gave us Jesus Christ as a bridge to close the gap through forgiveness! Turn to Him today for restoration and forgiveness. His arms are open wide to restore your relationship with Him. God bless!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Then Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do. Luke 23:34

Recently married, I have been blessed to experience a sweet and special kind of love from my wife. Her love is felt through the words she says, her acts of kindness and by her presence in my life, I know she loves me.

As I was going to work the other day, I pondered how can I know the depth of her love. God laid upon my heart today’s passage. Then thoughts of God’s love came over me and I think I’ve come up with a way to measure her love for me, and the love of my Father.

What He revealed is love is only as deep as the grace we have for the other person. Just like the relationship we have with God, we will do things that will disappoint or frustrate the other person, but the willingness to forgive and move past those bitter moments, all in the name of love, displays the depth of love one has for another.

Because of God’s love for all of mankind, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth, to make payment for our sins. He had the best intentions in the world, but the world saw differently and they crucified Him on a cross. Yet, in the saddest moment of Jesus life, He had such a deep love for them, that He asked God to forgive them.

As Christians, we have the Spirit of God living inside of us. That Spirit provides the strength and encouragement to forgive others when they hurt or disappoint us. How deep is your love for your spouse, family member or friends? Add to the dept of your love through grace for them and find your love never run dry for the ones God has placed in your life! God bless!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright. Psalm 11:7

There is nothing more rewarding than to receive a smile and nod of approval from someone we respect when we do something right. I recall as a youth, the smile from mom and dad when I did good in their eyes. They didn’t have to say anything, just their facial expression was enough.

For the child of God it’s the same. When we live rightly, when we do something pleasing to Him, He gives us His nod of approval. There is something else that comes with walking in obedience, His blessings. Isaiah 1:19: “If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land.” I can tell you when I make right decisions about life, when I turn from sin, when I put God front and center of my life, I receive nothing but goodness from Him.

I shared something on Facebook from a commentary I read on today’s verse: God cannot love a sinner as a sinner, because he hates impurity by a necessity of nature as well as a choice of will. It is as impossible for him to love it as to cease to be holy. Stephen Charnock.

As a child of God, you will mess up, you will sin and make wrong choices in life. But, through God’s grace and the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, we are forgiven. But we should NEVER take advantage of His grace by purposefully sinning. Choosing to sin over remaining obedient will result in God yielding His blessings in your life. Chose to walk in obedience and God’s approval should be enough to keep on pleasing Him daily! God bless!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5

There is a rule of thumb when operating a motorcycle: your bike goes where your eyes focus. I quickly learned this lesson in my earlier years of riding. Something caught my attention and I found myself veering towards the direction of where my eyes were focused. Thankfully I was able to steer the bike back centered on the road and avoided running into the ditch.


As Christians, we live in a world that is full of tempting pleasures that are outside of God’s boundary for righteous living. But there is something else that can capture our attention; the giant enemies that seek to harm, worry and destroy us through the evil tactics of Satan. No doubt Satan has a bag full of weapons that distract our attention from the centerline of God’s perfect plan and will for our life. That’s why it’s so important to always remain focused on God.


I’ve learned over the past number of years that as long as I keep my focus on God, I stay on the straight and narrow path that He purposed and planned for my life. It’s when I look at the distractions and life’s worries that Satan puts up, that I get off course and sometimes crash in the ditch of shame and regret. Thankfully the Holy Spirit is full of grace to help get me back up on my feet and centered in His will once again.

What’s distracting you today? It might be financial trouble, relationship issues, fears and worries….the list is endless. Today’s verse is a great reminder that if we keep our eyes focused on Him and not our troubles or life’s distractions, we will never be misled or ashamed. Look to Him today for guidance and safety as you navigate this thing called life! God bless!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Last night, while working at Judgement Journey, I had the opportunity to talk to a young man who just prayed to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior. We talked about his experiences of attending church and exposure to the plan of Salvation. One thing he said was that he was looking for this magnificent feeling, then he’d know God was with him.

Almost immediately God presented this thought to me. Once saved, you become involved in a personal relationship with God. Communication is the key to keeping that relationship alive. Just like any earthly relationship, without communication, the relationship will become stagnant and little will be shared and learned between the two parties.

A relationship with God, based on a feeling, will leave you to question if God is with you. I can assure you without a doubt, God is with every believer. You might not have this incredible feeling of His existence, but He is real and always with you, just as said in today’s scripture.

Prayer and seeking after Him will bring awareness of His presence, and sometimes you will feel His sweet spirit moving inside you. But the truth remains, He is with every child no matter what you are feeling at the present moment. God bless!

Friday, November 8, 2019

And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. 1 John 3:22

Last night my daughter and grandson were over to visit. At one point it was time to go and my grandson was not behaving correctly. My daughter told him if he didn’t do as she asked, something he wanted would be withheld from him. Well, after some time of consideration, he corrected his behavior and things turned out a little better for him because of his compliance.


You could really say God’s way of dealing with us is very similar. He loves us and provides blessings in our life. But those times when we step out of bounds, He oftentimes withholds His blessings and answers to our prayers. God will never reward bad behavior. He makes that very clear in His word. Even in times when we stray, He continues to watch over us and oftentimes buffers us from complete disaster.


Maybe you’ve been trying to get God’s blessings to rain down on you or searching for an answer to a prayer request. If the well is dry and prayers unanswered, you might want to check yourself to ensure you are in alignment with His will.  The difficulties we face are usually the result of our poor choices in life. God will use those difficult times to help us yield to His calling us back to a more disciplined life of obedience. So keep in step with Him, so when your request go up, answers and blessings will come down from God’s goodness! God bless!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

I will cry out to God Most High, To God who performs all things for me. Psalm 57:2


Life is full of many uncertainties. The future of our health, will our financial resources take care of us when we are old, how will we pay these unexpected bills. The list is endless and no doubt life can bring worries that appear bigger than our strength, wisdom and resources at hand.


Yet for the child of God, we have unlimited resources of power, wisdom and healing through the Holy Spirit who resides within us. God’s gift of Salvation and His presence in our lives is enough to help us navigate life. Today’s verse gives some pretty good advice, cry out to God Most High, who performs all things for me.


I can assure you with over 40 years of an intimate relationship with God, He has seen me through some challenging times. When faced with something bigger than me, I’ve given it to Him in confidence. Every single time He has come through, far exceeding my expectations to resolve an issue, see me through a tight spot or bring that healing I needed at just the right moment.


Friend, no matter what’s facing you today, you have a Savior and God who is very willing and capable of helping you take care of life’s business. By giving it to Him, trusting in His response, you will see something miraculous unfold before your very eyes. Trust me, I’m living proof of His goodness! Give it to Him in confidence, HE’s a God of the Most High! God bless!  

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Abstain from every form of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22

What is the one statement all kids hear from mom on picture day? “Don’t play in the mud!” Yep, that’s right. A mom who spends time dressing up her children for pictures is always concerned they look presentable for the pictures, which will be viewed by many friends and family.

You could say the same for Christians. We too need to stay out of the muddy things of this world. Today’s verse is a clear statement from God to abstain from every form of evil. From gossip, to drunkenness to murder and everything in between, Christians are to avoid these things. Why? Because they tarnish our spirit and dirty our lives with things opposite of God’s standards. All the while, the world is watching the Christian to see how he/she lives. The standard in which we live by tells the world this is what a child of God look like.

“If you love Me, obey my commandments.” If you truly love Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will have no problem staying out of the world’s mud holes and walk the path of righteousness. In the end, God will bless and reward you for your righteous standard of living. “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 Stay out of the mud, child of God, and represent Him well! God bless!  

Friday, November 1, 2019

The joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10b


I once heard a preacher recite this verse. How true it is when we find joy in the Lord, we feel like we are on top of the world. God’s blessings are like stepping stones, lifting us up in spirit and happiness. All of these things make life feel good and we are happy.


It’s no wonder Satan tries to rob us of our joy. As today’s verse states, the joy of the Lord is your strength. The strength we have to navigate life can be zapped by circumstances and difficulties we encounter, disappointments from loved ones and friends, or a relapse in our faithfulness to God. The list is endless and our enemy knows exactly our weakness and the vulnerable places in our hearts to target his flaming arrows.


When we find our strength weakened, we mustn’t rely on the human element to bring us back up. We must turn immediately to the Lord. He never disappoints and has our best interest at heart. He can turn those disappointments into victories and strengthen our faith at the same time. I know when I’m down about something, I turn away from the world and turn to God for strength. In return, the joy returns to my soul and I find contentment even in the middle of chaos.


Maybe you’ve been facing some difficulty and slowly drained of any joy. Stop looking to the world for happiness. Find your strength renewed by replacing your sadness with joy from the Lord. Only He can provide everlasting joy which will keep you strong through the most difficult times in life! God bless!


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8

In a perfect world, things would be perfect. But we know perfection only exist in God. While still here on earth, our lives are intertwined with the significant people in our life. Yes, there will be times when they let you down, do or say hurtful things. Sometimes people find they’ve had enough, want to throw in the towel and call it quits.

God never intended for love to fail. As a matter of fact, He inspired the writer of Corinthians to state that “Love Never Fails”. I believe we live in a society where discarding broken things is the best solution. If you look at how things are made these days, you can clearly see that quality is not the standard. Short cuts are taken, using cheap products, and thus over time they wear out, break and soon discarded, leaving the consumer to go off to buy another new, cheaply made product.

So, where am I going with this blog? As Christians, we MUST commit ourselves to each and every relationship we enter into, especially marriage. The quality of things you put into that relationship will determine its strength. The most important quality is your relationship with God and keeping Him involved in your day to day relationships. God spells out those quality characteristics needed for a strong relationship; love is at the top of the list.

I challenge you to never give up on the relationships you bound to. Putting forth your best effort and keeping God at front and center will ensure your love relationship will never fail. God bless!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and god of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

One of the things I enjoy while riding my motorcycle is meeting new people and talking about their motorcycle rides to places I’ve never been. As they share their stories, I make a mental note of the special places to eat, cool roads to ride and good places to rest for the night.  

Today’s passage goes along with my writing above. I benefit from someone who has already traveled down the path I plan to go. Oftentimes people are quick to share the dangers along the journey and provide special insight how to lessen my chances of running into trouble that they experienced.  And usually the conversation ends with words of encouragement.

Life is a journey. The path God leads you down has a purpose and plan to not only benefit and grow you, but help others along the way. Although the journey might be long and painful, its purpose can have significant impacts on the lives of others if you simply trust God in what He has allowed you to go through, knowing that you too can share your story of courage and faith in hopes of helping others go through the same trial.

Trust God when He brings you to a new journey, knowing its for your own good and the good of others! Ride on friend and make notes along the way! God bless!  

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, ad pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Matthew 5:44

It doesn’t take long to watch the news and realize our country has a lot of enemies who speak badly about us, seek to harm us and love it when we suffer at the hand of their injustice. Coming closer to home, we as individuals have the same. People who speak badly of us, seek to harm us and love it when we fall down. If you were able to look closely, you would probably realize that Satan is working behind the scenes, in those people, to rob you of your joy.

Today’s scripture provides a response to our enemies. “Bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” If you ask me, that’s a tall order and sometimes I find it hard not to want to throw back the same response that my enemies have given me.

But God! Only by His power, living inside of you through the Holy Spirit, can you respond in a Christlike manner and not try to respond in a negative way, but a gentle and loving response, all covered in prayer. When you respond in that manner, you tell your enemy you are bigger than their attacks and will not respond in a negative way. 

Through a loving response, you show them who is actually in control. It isn’t the enemy, its Jesus Christ, who lives in you and makes you a better person because of your commitment to Him. And through your loving responses, and commitment to pray for them, by the grace of God, you can bring your enemies over on your side and experience the blessings and peace of God. Commit to doing good to your enemies and see what God can do with through your faithfulness in Him. God bless!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

For “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13

The last few weekends I have had the privilege of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with those in attendance at our church’s production, Judgement Journey. This 45 minute journey is a biblical account of the end times and what people will encounter following the rapture of God’s children. The entire production takes over 200 people to make it effective and I get to see God’s hand at work with the decisions made, accepting Jesus Christ into their hearts.

Romans 10:13 is the last verse we share, telling folks the only way to be saved is belief in Jesus Christ. For some, its hard to grasp the ease in which one can be saved. So many people think its all about living a good life and making oneself pleasing to God. But, the bible is clear that we can’t do anything on our own to save ourselves. No good we do on our part can wash us clean enough for God to look upon us. Only through the blood of Jesus Christ can you be saved.

Maybe you’ve been trying to live that good life, good enough to save yourself. Friend, you’ll never be good enough. Understand that Jesus came as a sin offering for you and me. Without His sacrifice for the sins of mankind, no one could save themselves. If you haven’t done so, call out for Jesus to save you today and find forgiveness of your sins through His sacrifice on the cross. Call on Him today! God bless

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Luke 23: 42-43

One of my recent blogs talked about the “prodigals” in our life. Those family or friends who live a reckless and sinful life, so far from God’s standard of living. We worry about their salvation and pray continuously that God will save them. We pray and pray over the weeks, months and even years with no change in their life. The worry can be unsettling for sure.

Today’s passage comes from the end of Luke when Jesus hung on the cross with two criminals. One of them identified Jesus as the Son of God and asked that Jesus remember him upon his death. Jesus response must have given that man a lot of peace, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

I can only imagine this man’s family must have said prayers on his behalf, in hopes that he’d change his life of crime and walk the perfect and narrow path of obedience. Yet, it didn’t happen until this man’s last breath.

I share this story with you to say there is STILL HOPE for those loved ones who live outside of God’s grace. Your prayers for them should continue and you have the trust and faith that Jesus will come into their life and save them, even if it’s at their last breath. One simple acknowledgement is all it takes.  Keep the faith, pray earnestly and allow Jesus to come to them on their level, bare their cross and save them at just the right moment when they need Him most! Jesus had to die a criminal’s death to save that one. He will do the same for your loved one! God bless!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

Years ago, it was a common practice for movie theatres to interject short subliminal clips depicting refreshing sodas and snacks that would stir in the minds of movie watchers, making them go to the snack stand and buy food and drinks. Eventually this practice was outlawed, but it was proof how easily people can be deceived by one simple vision.

Satan is a master of deception friends. He often uses insecurities and weaknesses to play havoc with our mind, enticing us to believe something that isn’t real or pursuing something outside the will of God. And he most often does this when life is going good or when you are serving God. The devil’s plan is to disrupt your plans to do good and enjoy life.

The best way to protect yourself from satan’s deception is to focus on the truth. So often satan tries to make you believe something that isn’t real at all, but he can be pretty convincing. Trust me I know first hand and some days can be a constant battle to keep my mind focused on what I know to be real and truthful.  

Pray and ask God to keep you centered focused on His goodness, on His word and keep your ears tuned to His Holy Spirit so when satan tries to speak those lies, you won’t hear or believe it for you know the truth. God bless!    

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Devotion written by my grandmother, Nedra Baldridge, October 2014.

For those who have prodigals, weather children or other family members don’t ever give up on God. He loves the prodigal in your life even more that you do, and He won’t stop His relentless pursuit of them. Continue to pray the promises of scripture and cling to what Moses told the Israelites as they were standing on the shore of the Red Sea and the Egyptians were closing in behind them.

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still and know.”

My Savior hears me when I pray. Upon His word I calmly rest; in His own time, in His own way, I know He’ll give me what is best.

Don’t give up on the prodigal in your life. God bless!

Monday, September 23, 2019

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. John 10:10

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years as a Christian is there is a battle between good and evil and it never ends. The world and its ways want to suck you into a false hope of wealth, pleasure and behaviors that eventually will harm and destroy your physically and emotionally. Sadly, so many people get caught up in the world’s belief system and find themselves coming up short on joy and satisfaction.

On the other hand, a life that has Jesus Christ at the center will never avoid difficulty, but will find hope in every hopeless situation, will find strength when weak and encouragement for the tough times in life. Jesus Christ has the power to take nothing and make it into something meaningful. His strength never ends and through His Holy Spirit living inside every believer they can experience His strength in their life.

The abundant life that Jesus Christ offers is life sustaining and continues into eternity. Find it today by turning your focus from the world and look to Jesus Christ for hope, strength and encouragement! God bless!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:3

I can tell Fall is approaching. Its that time of year when my sinuses give me issues. For me, it all started over the weekend and has progressively gotten worse. This morning I woke up hurting all over, stuffy nose and chest congestion. Got up and carried myself to the doctor’s office. Once inside, I saw the Doc and he fixed me up with some meds and a steroid shot, on my way to recovery.

But the truth be known, I didn’t want to go to the doctor. My body ached too much, I was tired and wanted to go back to sleep and I knew I’d have some out of pocket expenses. At the same time though, I knew if I was going to get better, I needed to go.

It’s interesting how in life how we face problems or have an injured heart from someone’s evilness, and we often try to heal ourselves without any help. We think we can handle the pain and heal on our own, but the truth of the matter is it’s hard to overcome brokenness on your own. You need help and that is where God comes in.

Today’s passage clearly states He will heal your brokenness, and bind up those wounds caused by someone possibly close to you. The first procedure God uses to heal your heart is a tool called “forgiveness”. It’s like a general anti-biotic, it’s a cure all for just about anything in life. Through the healing power of God and what His Son Jesus Christ did on the cross for you, is the same power that can restore your heart and possibly mend a broken relationship along the way. Come to Jesus for all your healing needs and find recovery much sooner than what you can do on your own! God bless!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

And behold a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Jesus saying “have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed….But He answered her not a word. Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord help me!” Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour. Matthew 15:22, 23, 25,28

Let’s set the scene. So, you have Jesus and His disciples, who were all Jews, when this Gentile woman approaches and ask for Jesus to heal her demon possessed daughter. The disciples encouraged Jesus to tell her to leave their presence. But, He said not a word. Can you imagine the desperation of this woman? She somehow knew Jesus could heal her and bring her daughter back to a normal life again. Yet, He said nothing and I’m sure she felt the brush off from the disciples.

So, what did this woman do? She started to worship Jesus. For a moment in time she put her personal agenda aside and simply worshiped Jesus, because He is worthy to be worshipped. Although I’m sure Jesus was ready to heal her daughter, He wanted to see her faithfulness, and she came through like a light shining thru the darkness. Jesus even called her a woman of great faith. And from that act of worship, Jesus healed her daughter once and for all.

Maybe you’ve got a request for Jesus and you’ve been pleading for His help with not even a whisper from Him. Set aside your personal agenda and spend time worshipping Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior. You’ve got time to praise Him for all He has previously done and claim what He will do through your faith and trust in Him. God bless!

Monday, September 9, 2019

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trails, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1 :2 – 4

If you’ve ever watched football, you know the sport is pretty rough and players can get hurt from time to time. Hurt so bad, that they have to stay out of several games to give their body time to heal from the injuries. Because in football, if a player comes back out with a partial injury, the truth is the opponent will do all he can to hit that injured part of the body to put the player out of commission.

As Christians we too have an opponent, an enemy, Satan. Satan will use things in life such as unfaithfulness of a loved one, personal insults from others, feelings of unworthiness to bring you down to the point where you want to give up. And when you try to get back on the playing field, he will often target those painful emotions to keep you down.

Friend, if this is something you are going thru, its time to take a step back from the game of life and allow God to heal your broken heart, restore your confidence in self and make time for healing through forgiveness. Patience is the key to your healing process. God has NO time table for healing. It might take weeks, months even years to restore you back to good. Allow that time to heal you and grow your faith and wisdom in Him. When you become completely healed, Satan’s attacks will prove unsuccessful and you’ll come out victorious in life! Take time to heal, you’ve got all the time you need! God bless!  

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Last night in church we were reading scripture in 2 Corinthians when I ran across this verse. LOL, I thought to myself how true this verse is. As I get older my body slowly performs less than the previous year. As we age, our bodies wear out, slow down and require more down time than up and running.

But the interesting thing is the wisdom I’ve gained over the years has increased and helped to strengthen my faith and walk in the Lord. As the tough times come my way, I’m better able to withstand its effects because I know God is with me, He strengthens and protects me as I journey through each storm. But it hasn’t come without a lot of mistakes and poor choices and lessons learned. I can honestly say I’m grateful for my life story and how God has turned the most trying moments into the most beneficial for my spiritual health.

Maybe you are going through some tough times and its wearing on your physically and emotionally. Don’t let it overcome you. God has a plan to use those challenging times to strengthen your faith and trust in Him. You are an overcomer when you put your trust in Christ to see you through another life storm. Grow from your experience and look to God to impart wisdom along the way as you head towards another storm….and they will keep coming. But through it all, you will be better equipped to navigate them and come out stronger on the other side! God bless!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

It shall come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And while they are still speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24

Last night I watched a movie about a woman who was dating a man and her desire was that he ask her to become engaged. At every meeting her hopes and dreams were squashed as the man of her dreams failed to fulfill her expectations and plans for an engagement. All the while this other man in her life was trying to get her attention and somehow ended up being around each time this girl was feeling letdown by her boyfriend. Well as you can imagine, the man who she failed to see initially ended up being the right man for her and everything came to a happy ending in the movie.

So where am I going with this you ask? Today’s verse gives us the promise that God is working before we ask for His help. Weather it is finding the right mate, the right job or simply an answer to a question about life in general. Oftentimes our expectations and plans hinder our view of God’s plan for our life. Its in those moments that He allows circumstances, such as let downs, closed doors and oftentimes His quietness to steer us in the right direction. In the end, we will find God’s will and plan for our life through His ways of channeling our vision so we can see what great things He has in store for us!

Maybe you have some expectations about something or someone and all you seem to encounter are letdowns, closed doors, disappointments or no answer at all. Step back from your plans and pray, asking God to open your eyes to what He is doing so you can see what He has planned for your life! God’s plan is always perfect and will bless you. Just know He is working now, even before your request, to give you the best in life! God bless!  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous an avails much. James 5:16

All throughout the bible you can read accounts of ordinary people’s faith and the effectiveness of their prayer life. For one instance, Elijah prayed it would not rain, and it didn’t for three straight years. When he prayed for rain, it rained. His faith and trust in God was on display for others to see. God responded to each request and the people of Israel restored their faith in God.  

I think of my grandmother, Nedra, and her prayers. We, as a family, use to always joke that Grandma had a direct phone line to God. When she prayed, God responded in a powerful way. We could always trust Grandma was praying for us and when we requested her to pray for a specific request….we saw God in action.

Maybe you need an answered prayer to something you are going through. Clean out your life by removing the purposeful sin, ask for God’s forgiveness and come clean before Him as you begin your prayers. God will respond when you fall in line with His will and remain obedient to Him. Pray and believe in God, He believed in you enough to sacrifice His Son so you could commune with Him on a daily basis! Pray an effective prayer today and see the results! God bless!

Monday, August 26, 2019

that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. Philippians 2:15

There are benefits to doing the right things in life. Examples are: obeying the speed limit will keep you from getting a costly ticket (did ya hear that sister?), by driving safely you’ll avoid the painful cost of having an accident and insurance rates go up, by taking care of your body you will avoid unnecessary illness and health issues that could take your life at a young age. The list is endless, but I think you get the point.

There is a positive outcome when you live an obedient life in accordance to the standards of God. First, He will provide for your needs and shower you with blessings. The most important thing that will occur is your light of Christ will shine into a dark world who needs hope. Your standard of living is a testament of your faith and commitment to Jesus Christ. The benefits of obedience far outweigh any pleasure you’ll receive by living for self vs. the good life of Christ.

Want good things to come your way in life? Start living right and keep Jesus as your example on how to live in this world. Read the book for advice and guidance. I promise you, the rewards of obedience will bring unending blessings to your life! God bless!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. Galatians 5:16

I recently visited my family back in Illinois. Before I left, I washed my SUV for the trip. But, once I got up there, it got dirty as a result of driving on gravel roads. By the time I got back home it was a mess and in much need of a bath. Not all, but many country roads up there are gravel and not paved. So, if I wanted to keep my car clean, I had to make the decision to drive on paved roads.

As Christians we have a choice to make each day, which path to follow. The worldly path, which will cover you with the dirt and grime of sin and leave you with a tarnished witness. On the other hand, if you devote your day to taking the righteous path, your witness wont be covered or tarnished, leaving you spotless for the non-believer to see. That cleanness shows the love of Christ continually, full of joy, living in peace and giving grace to those who need it.

If you are a child of God, you have a decision to make today. Which path will you go down? Take the right path and walk by the Spirit, so you will shine the love of Christ to a world hungry for the spotless truth! God bless!

Monday, August 12, 2019

My son, if sinners entice you, Do not consent. Proverbs 1:10

If you struggle with sin, raise your hand! Well, all hands should be raised at this moment. We as humans (in the flesh) all struggle with temptation and sin. The world is full of sinful opportunities to step away from God’s perfect plan for His children. How do we avoid or lessen the impact of sin?

One way is to separate yourself from the things and people who make it easy for you to fall prey to sin. That habit you are trying to kick wont help if you hang out with people who enjoy that pleasure. That phone call from a friend who is a known gossiper won’t help you in your battle to stop the sin of gossip if you answer their call, stopping by the shopping mall for lunch where you’ll fall prey to lust (either after the opposite sex or addiction to shopping). Do you get the picture?

You are responsible for your actions, and choices to sin. By distancing yourself from those things and people will help in the struggle to remain obedient to the Lord. Sacrifice your temptations so you won’t tarnish the sacrifice made on your behalf to be called a child of God!  

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Revelation 22:14

I recently pulled up at an intersection and looked to my left to see a man with his dirty laundry in a basket, most likely headed to the laundry mat on Sunday. This verse came to mind as I thought about our purpose for going to church.

As Christians, it’s important that we commune with the Lord in His house, as much as possible, so we can wash our lives from the stains of sin and restore our hearts so we can be effective in our daily walk with the Lord. His blood covers our sins, but the necessity of refreshing our lives, every day, is key to keeping our mind and hearts from being stained by the world’s dirt and grime.

If you are contemplating attending church, find a way to go so you can renew your mind and spirit. Come clean with God today! Have a blessed Sunday!  

Friday, August 9, 2019

My soul weeps because of grief; Strengthen me according to Your word. Psalm 119:28

If you lived any amount of time, you know that life can bring about some painful experiences. Loss of a loved one, disappointment, financial hardship or seeing someone you love suffer. The pain and sorrow can cause you to sink into a depression like no other.

Friend, it is on your knees that you will find help in the Lord. When trouble comes your way, to the floor you should go with your situation, praying for God to intervene and work through the circumstance. God promises to keep an open ear to our prayers, respond as He knows best and lift us up. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve encountered trouble, gave it to God and watched His mighty hand sustain me as He carried me through my heavy-hearted situation.

God will do the same for you friend. No matter what heavy burden you face today, give it to Him, knowing He can handle it and meanwhile sustain the spirit within you, so you can continue to serve Him and love others as He has called you to do. God bless!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Give to everyone who asks of you. And from him who takes away your goods do not ask them back. Luke 6:30

I had someone in my life once tell me, “if you have to borrow it, you need to buy it.” Great advice if you don’t want to lose anything loaned out. Today’s verse sheds a different light on the subject of giving. Give and do not expect in return. Well, not sure we want to give away all our belongings, but this is a challenge to have a giving heart.

How do you get to that point where you ease your grip on your money and belongings? By realizing its all Gods. He blessed you with those items and financial resources. They are to be used as a tool for Him. When the opportunity presents itself, we need to give freely as an expression of God’s love and mercy. “Therefore be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6:36

God will reward you when you learn to ease your grip on what you posses so you can help others in need. The return on your loss will be great. Ask for nothing back and blessings will come to you from Heaven! God bless!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

..for it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified. Romans 2:13


As a parent, you’ll experience times when you tell your child to do something, they nod in acknowledgement and later you find they didn’t do what they heard you ask of them. It can be so frustrating. The truth of the matter is they do only what they want, especially if they know there is a reward for their obedience.


The Christian life is pretty much the same. As a child of God, have you ever heard God’s voice telling you to do something or go a certain path, you agreed with His words and then simply ignored His instructions? I think we all have done this at various times in life. Why? Usually because we feel what He asks of us is too much to bear or we are afraid to follow His lead in fear that something bad might happen.


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5. The only way to navigate life using God’s GPS is by trusting Him completely and doing what His voice says. Trust me, you will never go wrong when you follow His voice to a T. Even if you feel ill equipped for His plans, trust that He will instill in you what’s necessary to carry through with His will for your life! God will never give you bad advice and leave you out to dry. Be not only a hearer of His word, but a doer! God bless!

Monday, August 5, 2019

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10

Do you ever feel unworthy of God’s love? Maybe you’ve done something horrible or held captive very hateful thoughts or gossiped about another person and it caused a lot of pain and heartache for that victim of your words. The list is endless, but the reality is we fail as humans. We are not perfect by any means and I personally am reminded of this fact on a daily basis.

Today’s verse came to me yesterday as I rode my motorcycle. This reminded me that I was never meant to be good enough for God to love me, but He loved me first and gave His only Son to die in my place for my sins: past, present and future. I can never do enough to be that righteous person, but God will continue to love me and cover me with His blood for my failures.

Maybe you feel a heavy burden from your past, current situation or possibly something that will occur in the future. Don’t give up on God, because He will never give up on you! Walk in His grace with confidence knowing His love makes you good enough for Him to love you! God bless!

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6

Have you ever been on a guided hike? Someone who knows the trail well and leads you along the way, sharing information about what you are seeing and experiencing as you journey along the hike. There are hills and valleys, straight paths and sometimes paths that veer off the main trail, but as long as you stay close to the guide, you won’t get lost and won’t miss out on anything said.

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this this blog. Our relationship with Jesus is very similar. When we follow Him closely, living an obedient life by adhering to the principles in the bible, keeping an open ear to what He is saying, and trusting He knows the way, we will never get lost in this world in which we are passing through. And the one benefit of following Him closely, on a daily basis, is we’ll never have to ask if we are on the right path for our life.

Today’s passage clearly gives us the answer to life…”I am the way and the truth and the life.” Jesus is your guide for your Christian journey. Stay close to Him and you’ll never detour off His specific path for your life! God bless!

Friday, August 2, 2019

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11


Have you ever wondered if you are on the right path that God has laid out for you? Life offers many choices of what to do with your life, what to believe in and who to spend time with. The choices can be overwhelming at times, but there is one indicator you are on the right track with God. Today’s verse provides some insight if you are headed down the right path God intended for you. Lets break it down….


“You make known to me the path of life”. God never will leave you in the dark. He has a plan and purpose for your life and reveals enough information to keep you going. Oftentimes we question if we are headed in the right direction when God is silent. God will tell you when and where to make a turn (or change). Until you hear His voice, keep moving forward and stay the course He originally laid out.


“in your presence there is fullness of joy”. I love this one. When you are track with God, you will find not only joy, but peace and there won’t be any confusion. Yes, God may lead you through some troubling times, but it’s to help you grow in your faith and strengthen your stride. God often allows trouble to come to strengthen us for the next valley we’ll have to climb out of. So never discredit when the path gets tough…He has a purpose.


“at your right hand are pleasures forevermore”. God is never short on blessings and as long as we keep a firm grip on His hand, we’ll receive those blessings and affirmation we are on the path with Him.


Life has a lot to offer, but there is one path specific to you and His purpose for your life. Follow Him with every step and you’ll never have to wonder if this is the path for you! God bless!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

The other day I saw a mother with two young children step out of their car and start walking towards a retail store. As soon as the kid’s feet hit the pavement the mother quickly grabbed their hands to keep them close and safe as cars were moving about in the parking lot and I’m sure the kids were unaware of the dangers they faced without the protective hand of their mother.

As Christians we have the same situation as we navigate life. This world is full of hidden dangers and God knows this, that is why He gave us His Holy Spirit to guide us through the dangers and challenges of life. As He walks with us, He is always communicating through His words felt in our heart, His words of wisdom in the bible and through friends and family who offer Godly advice. We are protected by our Father in Heaven.

Maybe you are going through a rough spot in life. Trust and believe that God has your hand and will take you safely through this time. He knows what’s best for you and can see your destination from His vantage point. You might not see it, but trust that He is leading you down the right path. Hold His hand tight and trust Him with every step! God bless!

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:10

I recently attended a funeral of a man I knew and worked with at one point in time. Sadly, he had health issues that left him without sight, ability to talk and walk in the last few months of his life. He lived an active, healthy life and centered his careers around public service, worshipped God and active in the community. He made a name for himself by how he lived his life.  

As I sat through the service, I thought to myself what a shame his life had to end with suffering. One thing I realized, we can’t control the beginning of our life and how we came about and the conditions we were brought up in, nor can we control our ending as death has many ways of taking life.

But one thing we can control is the life we live as an adult. Today’s verse is a good reminder that our life, as a child of God, belongs to Him. We are here to serve Him through the gifts and talents He has given us. Pleasing Him should be our number 1 goal in life, for His purpose of our existence is to bring honor and glory to His name. Gaining wisdom by reading from the bible will help shape your life and give you direction so you can be pleasing to the Lord. Your obedience to God will result in a mountain of blessings and a straight path to Heaven.

You can’t control your beginning and ending, but you can manage what happens in between. Give God your life of service and see what He can do for you. Your passion and service to the Lord will be remembered by those who love you and know you well! Dedicate today to the Lord! God bless!